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What Was Your First Pokémon Game You Ever Played?



  • FishDeluxe
    FishDeluxe Member Posts: 22
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    My first game was an absolute banger, pokemon ultra sun. I love it because there are a LOT of secrets and side quests-the pc's mum is actually a character from red and green, and you can even trigger a secret battle where you can play as the mum.(Also, I love mantine surf and customisable pokeball throwing, I hope gamefreak adds them in the inevitable remake) =-)

  • DewyGooey
    DewyGooey Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
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    Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

    Never finished it due to that Rampardos.

    Don't think I ever will.

  • Pikalover0629
    Pikalover0629 Member Posts: 20
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    My first game was Pokemon Sun, which was the newest game and I got it for Christmas from my dad

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    @FishDeluxe You are spot on. It was one of their best games.

  • Biggachu
    Biggachu Member Posts: 1
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    Technically Red, but I never really made it past Cerulean City. Sapphire was the first game in the series I'd completed, though it took me 300hr+ to get there. LeafGreen was the first Pokemon game I properly played through and completed in a proper time frame.

    Nostalgia has me wanting to say Sapphire was my favorite in the series. But all in all, I think Pokemon Black & White was my favorite entry in the entire franchise. I stopped playing mainline entries after Alpha Sapphire, but did pick up Legends Arceus and had a good time with it; I hope they make more Legends-style games in the future.

    ORBEETLE345 Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
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    I started with Pokémon Shield a year-ish before BDSP released, and my final team was...terrible. I had two (maybe three?) Ice types, I abused the fact that you got Eternatus before becoming champion and had a level 60-70 Cinderace that Knew: Pyro Ball, Take down, Flame wheel and ember...WHY DID I KEEP EMBER?!

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This reminds me of when I kept Scratch on my Delphox while doing an X nuzlocke (I did it so I don't need to waste the PP of moves I need on weak or almost fainted Pokémon though).

    It was funny and helped with when I decided to challenge the Battle Chateau.

  • CheeseyQueso
    CheeseyQueso Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper First Answer

    My first game was Heartgold back in 2011. I still have my first Pokemon from there, Meganium, who has traveled with me to every game possible since! Along with my other fav Pokemon Kyogre, they're back together again in Scarlet! If I want to get technical then I started with Platinum using the new save feature on my brother's cartridge. Don't remember anything more than that, as I think I played for 20 minutes before he wanted a turn again.

    Man tho... A lot of people are saying they started with gen 7 or switch games, that's just crazy to me. Some people have started at the beginning though so I'm sure this is how they feel when I talk about the DS era of games.

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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    Yellow on gameboy color.

  • 2137723304
    2137723304 Member Posts: 7
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    Fire red.