Returning Player needs deck consistency help on PTCG LIVE

Hey trainers!
Its been a while since I've played PTCG and it came as a shock that my expanded decks are 'unplayable' due to banned cards...
I'm having some deck consistency issues with my favourite deck, Slowking VMAX, and was hoping I could get some help?
The issues I'm now facing on LIVE is finding the right pieces, i.e, Slowking V/VMAX, Energy, Boss, Guzma, etc.
I didn't have these issues back on PTCGO...
Pokémon: 10
3 Toxicroak SSH 124
1 Toxicroak SSH 124 PH
4 Galarian Slowking V CRE 99
4 Croagunk FST 165
1 Crobat V PR-SW 110
1 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler LOR 123
1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
3 Galarian Slowking VMAX CRE 100
1 Crobat V SHF 44
Trainer: 12
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
1 Quick Ball FST 237
1 Guzma BUS 115
4 Piers CPA 58
3 Quick Ball SSH 179
2 Marnie CPA 56
3 Evolution Incense SSH 163
2 Professor's Research SVI 189
2 Cynthia UPR 119
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
4 Dust Island UNB 168
2 Boss's Orders BRS 132
Energy: 3
2 Basic {D} Energy Energy 15
4 Hiding {D} Energy DAA 175
4 Single Strike Energy BST 141
Total Cards: 60
I think the major issue here is that you're running way too many of cards that you really don't need and too few of consistency cards. Why are you only running 2 Research but 5 Boss? You're never going to get 4 Toxicroak into play, you'd probably be better off running 2-2 or maybe 3-2 at a push, and on top of being a bad card (it only impacts mons switching through trainers, and in Expanded most Pokemon are going to hard retreat using Air Balloon or something like Zeraora GX) you don't really need 4 Dust Island - you could run a lower count of Galar Mine instead for a better effect.
For better consistency you should definitely run Forest Seal Stone, and Sun and Moon's Oranguru or a Bibarel line couldn't hurt either. I took a shot at streamlining the deck a little, and was able to get set up pretty consistently. Far from perfect but I tried lol:
2 Bibarel BRS 121
2 Croagunk SIT 109
4 Galarian Slowking V CRE 99
1 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler LOR 123
1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
3 Galarian Slowking VMAX CRE 100
2 Bidoof CRZ 111
1 Crobat V SHF 44
Trainer: 13
1 Raihan EVS 152
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
4 Iono PAL 185
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Ultra Ball BRS 150
2 Boss's Orders SHF 58
3 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
3 Galar Mine RCL 160
1 Field Blower GRI 125
1 Guzma BUS 115
Energy: 3
2 Basic {D} Energy Energy 24
4 Hiding {D} Energy DAA 175
4 Single Strike Energy BST 141
Total Cards: 60
I actually think that maybe a more defensive oriented build with Battle Style's Houndoom and Acerola might be a better approach to Slowking in general though, since a lot of meta mons in Live Expanded have low enough HP to be KO'd going back into your turn without the frog but also super high damage output (think Tag Teams/Basic ex-es).
Also Expanded cards prior to SM aren't 'banned' per se, they just haven't been implemented yet. At some point in the future you'll be able to use em again, we just don't know when lol.
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Thanks heaps for the advice!
Would love to see a Houndoom list 😁
I've played roughly 10 games with the above list and had some questions.
What is the consensus on using Nest Ball over Quick Ball? I just dont like discarding a card to use it when I'm searching for a basic anyways to put on my bench?
I constantly feel like I'm missing Piers - any suggestions on what I could potentially cut to add them in?