How would you improve the teams of important XY trainers like diantha.

I think one thing the entire fandom agrees on is that XY has a ridiculously easy difficulty. And I'm intrigued even though you would change the coaching teams like Diantha Elite Four Gym Leader or Kalm/Serena to make them a real challenge.
Trainers should have higher level Pokémon so that the exp. Share isn't broken.
Korrina should be the 4th Gym leader so that you have to wait more before getting the Mega Ring and Lucario, also Lucario should be underleveled so that most people won't just Mega Evolve and destroy everything.
Give the Gym Leaders bigger teams than 3, give their Pokémon 4 moves, and make it so the last three can use Mega Evolution in their Gym Battles.
Also the Kalos Elite 4 should use Mega Evolution too, and have 5 Pokémon instead of 4.
Diantha's team is focused on Pokémon with different highest stats (each Pokémon in her team has a different highest stat), but they could've at least chosen Pokémon who don't have similar weaknesses.
Anyway to balance this, more Mega Stones could be available before finishing the post-game. To anyone here who didn't play XY, yes, they locked the region's most memorable part for many, behind the post-game, you had to go to Anistar City, talk to the prof there, and then you could only find Mega Stones around Kalos if you played the game between 8 and 9 pm.
This should probably be unlocked once you arrive at Anistar City or once you beat the Evil Team. Speaking of the evil team, the scientists should have a little more Pokémon, and should have gotten Key Stones.
Anyways this is long, and though I want to say more I should probably stop.