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Report a Bug

Shulz Member Posts: 1

I was playing in ranked when I use the support card Melony then all my hand got stuck in the screen and just disappear.


  • Mod_Ice
    Mod_Ice Moderator Posts: 22 mod
    10 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi @Shulz ,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. I removed the image you posted to this thread as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to share with support or the development team, I encourage you to open a ticket. To do so, visit https://support.pokemon.com/ then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there, click "Contact Us". Any feedback shared with the support team will be relayed to the development team for review.

    Thank you!

  • rsareal
    rsareal Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Adding another bug error about Melony. I use Melony to add water base to one of my V and it didn't show the water base card to let me choose where I want to put it. Because of that I force to concede twice because of it.

  • Finbobdodo
    Finbobdodo Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I have logged on and tried to play 2 ranked matches and both times at load screen after coin flip game has stuck and I have to quit resulting in a loss