Your fire type gym and pokemon

If you were a fire type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be.
My team would consist of arcanine, infernape, emboar, chandelure, incineroar, and skeledirge. The gym would be a fire maze that you have to navigate and along the way there is trainers you have to fight.
Another one! How nice!
Guessing that I would be the third gym leader, I'd have three Pokemon with me. My gym would have to deal with a giant board, which would consist of a Darumaka, which would need to be put into a goal. The obstacles would consist of the Litwick line, with the Pokemon acting as walls that could be switched off using a Lampent. A Chandelure could even act as a switch that can switch on and off the Lampent, making them unable to switch on/off the Litwick.
If they manage to beat it within a certain amount of time, they could get things like burn heals, Occa berries, and even the held item Mystic Water!
Once the Pokemon Trainer has solved about three puzzles, they'll have to deal with my team. It would consist of a Darumaka, a Macargo, & a Scovillain. Once they beat me, they will get the Shine Badge, and get TM08 (as of gen 9) Fire Fang!
If a Pokemon Trainer wanted to rematch me, I'll battle them with a Macargo, a Scovillain, a Coalossal, an Armarouge/Ceruledge (depending on the 'game'), a Chandelure, & a Darmanitan, in that order.
I like these prompts! They really coincide with my imagination quite well. I'm Guessing that your next type would be the Grass type, so I can't wait for what you'll come up with, along with myself!
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@DewyGooey Thanks for saying you like it. Not that many people have been posting for it. Like the idea for the gym. Your right that the next one is going to be grass, but I've also done a normal too if you want to comment on that one. I have other discussions like this as well. See if you want to answer any if you click on my profile and select discussions. I would like to see your opinions on them.