Favorite Fossil Pokemon?

What is your favorite fossil pokemon? Mine is Tyrantrum. You can also add what your favorite Past Pokemon is.
Fossal: Tyrantrum, Aurorus, and Cradily
Past: Raging Bolt
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Mine's parasect
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@miguelfale I don't think it's a fossil or past pokemon. Ido like that pokemon though. These are the fossil pokemon:
Omastar Line
Kabutops Line
Aerodactyl Line
Armaldo Line
Cradily Line
Rampardos Line
Bastiodon Line
Archeops Line
Carracosta Line
Tyrantrum Line
Aurorus Line
Past pokemon are:
Raging Bolt
Gouging Fire
Walking Wake
Roaring Moon
Sandy Shocks
Slither Wing
Flutter Mane
Brute Bonnet
Scream Tail
Great Tusk
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Mine's% parasect
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I meant aerodactyl sorry guys. I love the type and stats combination on this thing. it's pretty great in gen3
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Fossil would have to be Tyrantrum, and past pokemon would have to be Gouging Fire. Didn't know it existed until @Michael629303 mentioned it, so I looked it up and now it is one hundred percent my favorite. What is the future pokemon to go with it though?
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Tirtouga. Or maybe Koraidon.
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@OlderAngel11 the opposite one of Gouging Fire is Iron Boulder