What is the most unpopular/underrated Eeveelution?

I'd like to see what you all think is the most unpopular or underrated Eeveelution (or maybe even one you think is overrated). I'm curious to see people's opinions on this. :)
Sylveon, people always say that the ribbons look weird but I like them because they make it unique to the others.
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Probably Espeon. it being the opposite version of one of the most popular Eeveelutions might be part of the reason. It gets ignored so often in favour of Umbreon.
Also Jolteon is pretty cool. Probably my second favourite of the Eeveelutions. I don't know how much people like it though.
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Probably poor Glaceon, being pure Ice and having two useless abilities will do that to ya.
Though none of them are really competitively any good, it's sad that Flareon basically has nothing going for it. Jolteon is fast and Vaporeon is bulky, Flareon is. uh. Flareon. Definitely the most underappreciated of the original three, at least
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Glaceon, I used it in Violet with
- ice beam
- Water pulse
- Shadow ball
- Yawn
absolutely a monster against the elite four Rika, Larry and most of Hassel’s team.
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The posters here have made a compelling case for a number of Eevee evolutions' unpopularity. I also think different groups of Pokémon fans are going to evaluate them differently. Designs might appeal to some, while competitive viability may make them appealing to others.
I think the original trio are always going to be popular. The same goes for the first two added in the second generation, even if Umbreon is more popular than Espeon.
I think Glaceon and Leafeon are the most likely candidates for least popular.
They came at an awkward period for the Pokémon series. It was in a lull after Pokémania had long since passed and a lot of the original fans had "grown out" of the series, at least for a time.
The games, Diamond and Pearl, weren't too popular compared to other entries, although the DS's success and appeal outside of a traditional gaming audience did give them a bump. For many here today I suspect they may have been your first games, so maybe they are the classics for you.
In game, their evolution method was novel but a little awkward, requiring the player to go to a specific spot in the game world. Some may not even have realised that Eevee had new evolutions at the time. You are unlikely to evolve an eevee in that exact spot by accident.
Finally I think their designs are a little obvious and understated. I like them, save for Leafeon's eyes which I find really creepy, but they are a little obvious for an Eevee design. They could easily have been fan creations.
Sylveon however came during a bit of a resurgence for Pokémon. The 3DS was beginning to gain traction after its initial commercial failure, it was the first time a main series Pokémon game had appeared in full 3D (even if the game world's design was still rooted in 2D principles) and it introduced novel evolution methods on the new hardware that specifically required intimate interactions between the player and Pokémon, namely Pokémon Amie. That would have helped cement Sylveon, and the player's own specific Eevee they interacted with to turn it into Sylveon, in the player's mind.
In short, I think either Glaceon or Leafeon are the least popular Eevee evolutions, because they represent an awkward middle child in the Pokémon series as a whole and the Eevee line.
Thank you for coming to my Poké-TED talk.
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I think of the original three, flareon is probably the least popular. Especially in earlier titles it suffered from a poor movepool and a high attack stat that it couldn't take full advantage of. Of the later eeveelutions I would say that glaceon or leafeon are least popular likely for reasons stated by @TheJeffers. They had awkward evolution requirements and didn't add much to the games as a whole. Sylveon at least had the benefit of heralding a new type that was unique to that generation at the time.
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@JohtonianGuy Oh, yeah, Sylveon was the poster boy for the new Fairy type, wasn't it?
I keep forgetting that it's Fairy type, not because I forget Sylveon, but because even after a decade, I still keep forgetting Fairy type even exists and that numerous legacy Pokémon had a type change.
I'll hit a Clefable with a fighting move and suffer a moment of confusion when it's not very effective, only to realise... "oh yeah... Fairy type."
But yes, people who like Fairy types also tend to like Sylveon for that reason.
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to get an accurate answer you would need to poll the majority of the fan base because most people will know someone who likes one of the less popular eeveelutions and it could skew their opinion. My opinion is that all eeveelutions are pretty popular compared to other pokemon that don't get much attention like swoobat.