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Pokémon tv

Wish Pokémon tv was like Netflix like a true streaming service but for Pokémon where it just had all the stuff without rotating


  • Marieliuxi
    Marieliuxi Member Posts: 1
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    I'm new over here and just recently started to watch Pokemon all over since the beginning, I was so happy to see them on my switch. I was in Season 5 and now is not available!! Why they jump all over the seasons? Is it like that all the time? Where can I watch it if not in PokeTv :(

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭✭
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    If I would like to ask what to do with major changes to Pokemon TV, Best to add foreign language audio and subtitles. Especially Korean and Japanese.