What Was Your First Pokémon Game You Ever Played?

I am a huge fan of Pokémon but I only have one friend who likes it. I want to see what your first Pokémon games were!
My first game was Violet (I only got a Switch recently), but I had been into Pokemon for a while before that so I already knew a lot about it.
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Nice! Alex_Vaporeon! My First Game was Pokémon Let’s go pikachu. Then I played all the games after
Pokémon Sun and Moon. Even before I played my first Pokémon game I was a huge fan and binge watched all of the Pokémon anime.
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My fav game so far is Pokémon violet. The plot is so good! I 100% beat the game and got the DLC.
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My first pokemon game/product was pokemon Y. Fell in love after that.
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Michael629303 Nice pick! Pokémon Y is a great game!
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I got a finished copy of X as a kid. A few years later, I also got a finished copy of Sun. I restarted it and finished a Pokémon game for the first time. I lost the game card a few years later, probably along with a lot of memories, old Pokémon, and the strange fashion choices of my younger self, but the 3DS games will always hold a huge place in my heart.
Now I have every mainline Pokémon game from DPPt to SV's DLC.
(no GBA or DS, sadly. I could have gotten RSE and FRLG too, but no, too busy buying another game card of a game I already have, I should get four copies of X, that's a good idea, no need for a console that can play GBA games..!)
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UnovanZorua That is also a great pick! I do not own A DS either but my best friend said he was going to sell his so I got 300 dollars to give him for it.
He said he already sold it for $1000 to someone else.
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Pokémon Red on release.
These threads are designed to make me feel old.
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TheJeffers lol 😂 Pokémon red is still a amazing choice!
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It wasn't a choice per se, so much the only Pokémon games in existence at the time.