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Catching Hisuan Tyhplosion SUGGESTIONS

ok first thing, Typlosion is a fire type pokemon. so lets go over what its weak to. Ground, Rock, and Water moves. If you chose Quaxly as your starter pet, then I suggest using that, because my Quaquaval crushed Typlosion like a bug. I recomend doing it online with other people, because computer AI characters are not as strong as the average person, and cannot cheer. (thats when you grant your teammates HP, Defense, and Attack) for rock, I personally don't have any leveled up high enough, so i'll suggest some, Golem, if you have the DLC. Garganacl may be a choice. for ground, I suggest maybe using a powerful Hippowdon, Krookodile, or Camerupt. but another choice is any old pokemon with moves Thplosion is weak to.

I'm going to say again, Quaquaval was epic in catching Typlosion so I HIGHLY recommend him. I had put a item on him to heighten his attack power. but I'm not sure it worked because Typlosion rummaged around and found the items. idk if they were still on my pokemon. but yeah! good luck catching Typlosion!


  • Alex_Vaporeon
    Alex_Vaporeon Member Posts: 135 ✭✭✭
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    @TheDark_Sylveon Actually, the NPCs can cheer. They do it ALL the time. They barely ever use Heal Up, though, which is annoying. But yes, filling your team with NPC players is not the best idea.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I heard Vaporeon is good too. Sp. Atk EVs maxed out and I think also HP or Sp. Def. Rain Dance, Surf, Fake Tears, and Calm Mind I think. Hydration ability and Shell Bell.

    This is just what I found through using search though lol.