Box of Disaster

How do you successfully play this card? I’ve used it on some V mons already and never been able to use the damage counters.
Some people use it on mew
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it needs to be attached to a V (that includes V, Vmax, and Vstar), the pokemon it is attached to needs to have full HP before it is knocked out, and it needs to be knocked out by damage from an attack from your opponent's pokemon, not by placing damage counters, or from a special condition, or from an effect of the attack (like your opponent's active pokemon is knocked out). this card is hard to play successfully, and I would recommend using bravery charm, forest seal sone, exp. share, defiance band, or just playing more consistency cards depending on your strategy.
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Historically, Box of Disaster has been included in decklists specifically to fight against Gardevoir decks. Gardevoir decks power up their Pokemon by sacrificing their own HP, and will often reduce their Pokemon to a mere 20 HP in order to deliver massive one-shot attacks to their opponents. Against Gardevoir decks, you can use Box of Disaster to guarantee a revenge knockout if the Gardevoir player goes for such an aggressive play.
Because other decks typically don't play like this, Box of Disaster often doesn't do anything against non-Gardevoir decks.
However, since the release of the 151 expansion, LostTina decks can now additionally use Box of Disaster as a way to counter Mew ex. If Mew ex copies Lost Impact to one-shot Giratina VSTAR, then Box of Disaster will reduce Mew ex to 100 HP; easy pickings for a Cramorant or Sableye to finish off.
I know these examples sound overly specific, but that's the kind of card Box of Disaster is. It's a situational card to help with specific problem matchups. If you find that your Pokemon V aren't getting one-shot, then you might want to consider replacing Box of Disaster with somethine else.