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About Pokemon White and Black Remakes

I'm a fan of Pokemon since its release in 1999 and Pokemon Gold version was my first Pokemon game til now Pokemon Violet. Rumors circulate that Remakes for Pokemon White and Black is in development and if you are developing the game than my highly reccomendation is for the remake of Pokemon White and Black should add the storyline of White 2 and Black 2 all into one game where after you beat the Pokemon League where after N and Ghetsis took over the Pokemon League is when after the credits finish rolling after their defeat is when the adventure isn't over because it's where the story continues for White 2 and Black 2 after Team Plasma came back and Ghetsis started going after Kyurem using Kyurems power to wreak havoc and dealing with the mystery of The Legendary Dragon Pokemon and N returning to fight against Team Plasma. If you guys are developing the game than please make the remake as good as it should of everything I recently suggested so that the game can receive a good overall ratings. The game won't sell well if you only focus on just Pokemon White 1 and Black 1 and not adding a sequel for White 2 and Black 2 into the Remake of White and Black. Please listen to my advice I promise you guys are going to get a bigger overall ratings if you do what I suggest and adding the storyline of White 2 and Black 2 where it just focus on Team Plasmas Return and Kyurems rampage with also the mystery of the 3 Legendary Dragon Pokemon of Unova. Please add the sequel into this game. Thank you.


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 250 Likes 50 Answers

    I'd really like to play BW1 but with all the BW2 additions like Pokéstar Studios and Join Avenue.

    Pokémon if you see this (very unlikely but I can hope) please give us more Pokéstar movies too I loved making those. There are a ton and I finished them all. I loved the strange endings you could get too (the last Brycen man movie had an amazing one).