What's the most confusing thing in Pokémon?

I mean in general.
A character or their design, a story, the world, a Pokémon, or some competitive-related thing.
...other than things like "how do humans survive with (Pokémon (example: Magcargo))?" because everyone has heard that kind of stuff before. Ash has literally been hit with a Charizard's flamethrower before, these "humans" are much stronger than real humans.
Either why the superintelligent Pokémon still obey humans or the type chart
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Why are Pokemon like Maushold and Falinks treated as a single Pokemon, even though they're clearly multiple individual beings? The Shield dex entry for Falinks says, "The six of them work together as one Pokémon." Does that signify that in the world of Pokemon, the word "Pokemon" dosn't necessarily mean the same thing "Animal" does in our world? If so, what does it mean to be a Pokemon?
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The fact that the pokedex can register pokemon that were not even alive. Like come on how did jacq forsee the loyal three reserecting and add a entry for them.
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also, why can pokemon only be able to have 4 moves in their summary at one time?
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idk how team rocket survives all those thunderbolts from pikachu, and how do they survive those 3 mile drops from when they "blast of again"?
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How does Gamefreak keep getting away with it?