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Could PTCGL gameplay be any faster?

I stopped playing the PTCGO a few months ago, and I came back to find that it had been taken down and replaced with the PTCGL. The trading hub was taken away, we can’t duel a friend with expanded decks, and- my main issue- The speed for gameplay is painfully slow. Its difficult to enjoy matches/avoid getting timed out when we have to sit through a cut scene for each evolution, energy attatchment, and trainer card play. Could there be a setting to turn off these animations?



  • Baulder
    Baulder Member Posts: 32
    5 Agrees 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    Another one? Collectible card games are meant for strategic play not speed.

    I agree with suggestion to add option in settings to disable some animations in order to have more time for searching through the deck and thinking about the strategy.

    I would prefer PTCGL to be more of authentic simulation of actual PTCG play where all the animations besides card movement should be optional and the animations should be rendered beneath the card on the "play board display" rather than on the card itself.

    What I do not agree with is to force players to decide on their next move in shorter time. There already is time control in PTCGL.

    I can imagine that elite players in high ranked competitive match might prefer faster play, but new players are already under quite some pressure the way it is now.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    It's possible, but the devs aren't intelligent or skilled enough to figure out a balance. They can't even figure out how to add a battle log.

    That said, they can't add an option to turn off animations. That would give a major gameplay advantage, so it would have to either be set so that if one player turns them off they're off for both players, or they'd just have to be disabled on the ranked ladder for everyone.

    Also, crafting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trading. We don't need the mess that was the trading hub back.

  • TheOnlyJuka
    TheOnlyJuka Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Name Dropper

    Strategic play and speed aren't mutually exclusive, we really could use faster animations to make gameplay a bit faster. It takes so much time to attach energy with Gardevoir EX's ability...

  • Baulder
    Baulder Member Posts: 32
    5 Agrees 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    I do agree that many animations are present only to make the game look fancy and serve little if any informational purpose, but I've also noticed that many other aspects of the game take much shorter compared to actual PTCG play.

    You don't have to search through the entire deck to pick specific card for example, the game filter the card selection for you and you can pick the card you need right away.

  • VicariousReign
    VicariousReign Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

  • VicariousReign
    VicariousReign Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

    You think that's bad, wait until the game chooses an active basic pokemon from your hand to start the game when you have multiple. Or, wait until it randomly just lets your opponent go twice by you beginning a turn then the game decides you lose your turn, for an unknown random sporadic reason.

    Even through these annoying flaws tho, it is a quite fun game, just gotta take the losses once in a while due to game error.