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Four OP cards

DialgaVstar (takes two turns in a row and that almost always means knocking two pokemon out in a row and that almost never does not translate to an auto win, very very fun card...) At least I don't play very often against this card but it's always a blast losing to it (not).

These other cards are way more common though and they are almost always messing it up for me.

Iono - Judge - Boss's Orders

Typically whenever I'm one round away getting my game plan into fruition I get slapped with Iono in my face and I lose all my relevant cards.

Maybe it was my last hope to play this supporter card I had for the next round, it could be anything, like Raihan waiting for my pokemon to get knocked out so I can search my deck for the one card I need now. Or just waiting for a round to pass for my evolution card to be eligible for play. Or I have options because I have maybe six cards on my hand but then Iono or Judge shows up and I get cards that give me no options anymore. Maybe I played all the pokemons I need and I draw pokemon cards when I need energy or vice versa. Really the scenarios are endless but it almost never fails to completely ruin your game.

Because typically "one card leads you to another card in you deck" in some sense; and when you break that chain, which these cards will, you're out of luck.

Or I'm trying to evolve some 3rd stage (two evolutions on a basic pokemon I mean by 3rd stage) and my opponent just plays Boss's Orders and there goes my only hope before it's even evolved (less health so it just dies right away).

It seems to me you either play rulebox cards because they're already strong right away when you play them and become even stronger from just one upgrade (evolution), or you play some niche special purpose deck or you're just not going to be able to deal with your opponent who does play with these decks and with these other cards I'm talking about.

Also I wonder about this Pokémon card Diancie - of psychic type. Because it's actually on topic.

She has an ability called "Princess's Curtain"

And it does: As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, whenever your opponent plays a Supporter card from their hand, prevent all effect of that card done to your Benched Basic Pokémon.

This didn't even work vs Boss's Orders lol... Maybe it's not supposed to idk but I experienced this.

So I wonder if it's supposed to block Boss's orders or not? It's not like it's a "wall" and you need to go around it.

Anyway, anyone else feel like these four cards are completely ruining it?

I realize that in some sense these cards might be "needed" (making it a whole lot easier) vs certain decks. Like Tinkaton (EX?) which has an attack that does an absurd amount of dmg if you have lots of cards on your hand (not the opponents hand); so you would rather just reduce their hand to deal with that Pokémon instead of having everything you throw at it immediately die until you can claw it down.

But then again most decks seems to be just like that, feed your one big monster card until you can sweep so seems rather cheap that again Iono and Judge can just take all of that away on their own.

I feel like Boss's orders need some sort of requirement. Like it only works on evolution pokemon OR basic pokemon. Or only on pokemon that has taken dmg or whatever you know, could be anything, but I think it should be limited in some way. (Escape rope at least gives you some agency on what's going on)

Cards like Iono and Judge shouldn't even exist imo. I think they're just dumb. And not only are they completely busted on their own (imo, I'm looking forward to your input on this), they also compliment certain decks way too well. Like single strike or whatever it is, with the metal insects and mew deck. That deck just keeps on going shuffling cards and then to top it off it messes with your opponents hand as well.

So now I'm eager to hear what you have to say about this. What do you think about all of this? I'm sure there's a lot of veterans out there who might have different take on this. I wouldn't know until I've heard it!


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 LOLs 250 Likes

    As for Diancie, it has to be in the active and it only protects basics.

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 734 ✭✭✭✭
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    I feel like none of the cards you mentioned are actually harmful for the game. Boss’s Orders keeps things healthy by making it so you have to think about what you bench. Iono and Judge offer disruption so that your opponent can’t build a giant hand. And Dialga VSTAR isn’t even the double-turn card to worry about, Medicham V takes gets you second turn much more often. Still, neither of them are overpowered to the extent that they’re unhealthy for the game of Pokémon.

  • fafnitchaos
    fafnitchaos Member Posts: 39
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  • dmharris
    dmharris Member Posts: 4
    First Anniversary First Comment

    thank you. I run a diancie in my shadow rider tank of a deck, and it does sometimes help

  • Ninjaflamez
    Ninjaflamez Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Techhog 😂 very true. Back in the day!

    My approach to building my deck has always been to use relevant trainers, enough energy, and specific pokes. Play to the damage between turns as well. Play defense by trying to prevent any damage or attacks while trying to create an opening to strike. If you can play defense to a degree while having extra damage between turns, kind of like getting an extra attack. Hisuian overqwil 090 has tormenting poison which does 50 damage between turns.

    Of course all success here is based on draw of cards during a match. I can’t make things happen unless I get the right cards 🤷‍♂️.

    Just expect your opponent to do the same with their build as well. I used to build a few decks to the teeth! Then battle those decks against each other. Pick and pull certain trainers and pokes. Until I felt comfortable being able to pull myself out of the red so to speak. Good luck jebus. Just keep playing.