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Who is your favorite Water-type Pokemon and why?


  • Slowbro811
    Slowbro811 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Inteleon or Greninja. I love both evolution lines and i have full art TCG cards of both.

  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
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    Probably volcanion because a steam pokemon is a very interesting idea

  • Dedenne90524
    Dedenne90524 Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
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    Obviously Azumarill. Because it’s really strong with an adorable design!

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 806 ✭✭✭
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    It's either Walking Wake or Magikarp. I'm gonna say a shiny Magikarp.

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 977 ✭✭✭✭
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    Greninja, huntail, school form wishiwashi, tatsugiri, Kyogre, and relicanth are my favorite water types