Pokémon & Mobile Gaming

I'd like to see a Pokémon game released for mobile either based on main series or a spin off. Like a mobile version of Let's Go or something. I know we have Pokémon Go and the other games but I'd like to see an full core Pokémon game released. Or even a mobile version of the Pokewalker or something. Pokémon tamagotchi! Lol.
What do you think?
They probably won't release core series games or anything that plays like them on devices other than Nintendo consoles because they want that experience to be exclusive to Nintendo consoles. They know how valuable it is. There are people who owned Game Boys, DSs, 3DSs and now own Switches solely to play Pokémon. It's a system seller.
I am surprised Nintendo put any of their games on mobiles in the first place. They are so protective of their IP and its exclusivity.
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Pokémon Masters EX is as big as a main game, even though it works like you'd expect a mobile game to. And I think there are a ton of Pokémon tamagotchi, just not on mobile, and kinda old or unknown.
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With IAPs of up to 80$ No thanks. Very hard pass for me.