Shiny Pokémon

What Shinies have you found recently (or not so recently)? And which one were your favourites? ...No, the Red Gyarados or any guaranteed shiny does not count.
Mine was a Shiny Giratina in Platinum.
This Azumarill I caught in my first playthrough of Pokémon Scarlet. I caught an Azurill early on with the intention of using it on my team, but it wasn’t evolving anytime soon. So, color me surprised when not too long after I found a shiny Marill. Obviously I caught it, named it Shiny because I lack creativity, and it became a mainstay on my team, evolving into an Azumarill. Even more recently, I caught a shiny Crustle in Ultra Sun while trying to get to Guzzlord in the Ultra Ruins.
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Hi Trainers,
Great catches! Thank you for sharing!
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Shiny Hisuian zoroark from breeding in scarlet
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Shiny Heracross in Scarlet
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I got a shiny Giratina on my third wonder trade in ultra sun and in my first wonder trade in Y I got a shiny arceus.
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I haven't caught a shiny in years. The first and only sin by I had was a Geodude in Sapphire, and that was when it was it was released haha. I want to get back into the games. I may do a playthrough of the first 6 gens.
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Shiny Gible, evolved it and was sorry
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I capture a shiny espeon
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Three full odd wilds (Garganacl, Psyduck, and Yungoos) in Violet
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Wow a mod in a conversation. That might be rarer than any shiny.
Ps I love it when mods give there input.