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Why Mewtwo is not a legendary Pokémon

...or how to quickly merge one of the most powerful Pokémon on the first day of release.

apologize in advance for my bad english and mistakes, it is not my native language.

it he owner of the Mewtwo and managed to play it before the update/adjustment 6+ hours.

so let's go. when Goodra deals 10k damage alone and doesn't die, it's become normal. The fact that at least two of them need to bring down Goodra - this has become normal for the players. And when Mewtwo turned on the heat, it's "Oh, Oh, very strong Pokemon, fix it so that it was snot".


Rank 7 Mewtwo vs Ninetales (or vs Azumaril) with a one-two level difference (not in favor of mute), guess who gets knocked out? That's right, Mewtwo.

Two attacker Pokemon vs Mewtwo, also a mute in the knockout, by the way.

The same thing happens, for example, with a level 12 Zoroark and a level 11 guard, when they are both against a Mewtwo level 13.

Charizard and Cynderace, both level 10, against a 11 Mewtwo, Mewtwo gets knocked out with ease.

I don’t see something that Mewtwo fills up everyone in a row and doesn’t die, regardless of the level of evolution 👀

+ everything here still depends on the coordination of the team and mutual assistance, I can’t say that the Mewtwo in the ranks of the team is a 100% victory. he is one for the whole team, and not the whole team consists of him.

rather, a rather pleasant bonus, a counterbalance to Goodra, Buzzwall, Trevenant and others from this shop, but they are not always the strongest.

UPD. The campaign was developed today, already at half past six in the morning they fixed the mute, + 9.5 mb UPDATE.


>now the cooldown of "recovery" is increased to 10 seconds (when he is one against two, then you can use it only once, and then knock out)

if, for example, enemy Pokémon, Mr. Mime and Espeon are dancing tango with Mewtwo, this is definitely F, ✝, knockout for Mewtwo, there was not a single time that Mewtwo had mastered it.

> Mewtwo's "barrier" has become less durable and disappears much sooner if opponents attack.

> much less often began to appear the temporary evolution of Megamewtwo.

> also, as they say, "damage is partially reduced" (at this moment, apparently, the developers are disgustingly disgusting over those who donated to a powerful pokemon, which is already fixed on the first day so that it would be easy for opponents)

so Mewtwo is knocked out more often now and I don't see why this Pokemon is legendary or strong. and there are more and more fixes, instead of the legendary Pokémon, you get Mewtwo's beautiful appearance and strength not much more than that of the average Pokémon. Mewtwo, which many have been waiting for, did not become a threat to strong universal Pokémon after the update, it was fixed too much.


  • Pikafan777689
    Pikafan777689 Member Posts: 17

    Exactly! They need to stop whining about him and just let us non competitives have our fun!