How to play against Mewtwo V-union

Asking for a single prized deck user, especially those who use pokemon with 100hp less, how to win against player who can use Mewtwo V-union on turn 3?
So i encountered this scenario where i can only relying on using 2 comfey and 1 cramorant for 3 turn straight, so on my opponent next turn their Mewtwo V-union is ready to play and wipe out my board with their damage counter spread, and also they play judge to disrupt my hand, leaving me no lost zone engine/support at all, if you were in this kind of scenario and you lack a good set up, what would you do?
Play any deck other than lost box lol, Mewtwo VUnion is the best counter to it. The easiest way to counter Mewtwo VUnion is with Sleep or Paralysis.
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A solid dark type attacker like Galarian Moltres with the malevolent charge ability is the best way to counter it. What's best is to keep your dark type attacker concealed until your opponent plays the V-union, and then you can just slam the molters and take three prizes. What's good about playing a dark type attacker is that it's also good against other decks, like Gardevoir ex or Mew VMAX.