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Suggestions for Balance Changes on Mewtwo, and Insight on Legendaries


Mega Evolution now has an 8 second cooldown, and can no longer build Mega Gauge while on cooldown.

Future Sight range reduced by 30%.

Future Sight/Psystrike level to learn increased from 5 to 6.

Teleport/recover level to learn increased from 7 to 8.

Psystrike no longer makes Mewtwo Unstoppable, and instead gains Hindrance Resistance.

Teleport Cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 13 seconds.

I understand you believe Legendary Pokemon need to be strong, but relativity shouldn't be a factor in that. This game is team based, and every character needs to be on the same level. Legendary Pokemon must be on the same level as everyone else. They can be powerful but there must be some form of limitation. You can certainly lock all that legendary power behind high level caps. This still works in your philosophy, because in the main games, Legendaries level up much slower than others. Itonically, this is to balance out their power when progressing through the game.


  • Ikesmash
    Ikesmash Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I totally agree with this. The idea of legendaries being team leaders, while interesting, does not work well in this game’s format. The teamwork aspect of this game should allow everyone on the team equal shares in leadership. They way the legendaries have been implemented so far allows them to carry the entire team on their own, making team members feel inadequate, and opponents frustrated. I understand legendary Pokémon are designed to be extremely powerful, but this isn’t a mainline Pokémon game. When character balance is skewed, all of the fun is suddenly taken away. Hopefully this issue can be resolved

  • lilnappy
    lilnappy Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Is crazy that they are banning mewtwo from tournaments but expect us regular players to deal with how broken he is... game needs to be fixed. bad game right now.

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    Let's also not mention that Legendaries are usually obtained very late in the mainline games, meaning that they'll be a tad more in-line with the rest of your team's strength, and there's a large amount of time you have without access to one.

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    @Ikesmash And given that players may or may not know each other in real life or even have a call ongoing or any way to communicate- how does making one member a leader even work in that case?

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    I think it's also worth mentioning that they didn't feel the need to make Legendaries any more powerful than other mons in Pokken Tournament, so why make them stronger here?

  • Pikafan777689
    Pikafan777689 Member Posts: 17

    Wow. You guys really hate Legendary Pokemon being powerful huh? They won't be Legendary if they aren't powerful!

  • xBloodmagusx
    xBloodmagusx Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    As far as my testing goes after this balance patch of mewtwo Y, at least, it is very bad. HE IS AN ATTACKER… why people got up in arma about a single dmg attack and a bit of mobility is beyond me aside from T.T ??? Every burst dmg pokemon claps him out in seconds and due to his poor atkspd and no solid forms of burst himself is abysmal to play. Feel kinda like the players that complain about it were bad themselves at playing around him. Much like someone above commented. After around lvl 10 he really gets dogged on bad. I dont think the megas shouldve been time restricted for one. For two being an atk pkmn at range means you need a way to deal with tanks and melees and he has none of that if trapped in stuff much like all other pokemon. I much rather wouldve seen him get a .1 sec stun on his basic if they were going to make him very clappable late match due to dogpiles. He is not very viable without good upfront support and it being that way now after “patching him” was just a witch hunt as not one dev thought about a real good kit for this particular pokemon compared to HO-OH Miraidon and so on. These kinds of games should not possess a META and should be useable in any environment inside the system. I by no means am saying it is extremely low entry but he is not as egregious as people think. I do not see people grandstanding for othe pokemon like there has been for the lynching of mewtwo in both forms. I wish he had a better atk pattern like some other pokemon alla blastoise where it changes from single bolts of water to a spray atk that has a minor pushback. I could go on but novel is getting novel-ier.