Why are there so many sheep?

The game gets boring after a while. Nearly everyone I face plays the same 2-3 decks. Combine Baxcalibur and Chien Pao - Add infinite water energies and attach them all at the same time, blah blah blah etc etc. Where is the creativity? Can't people think for themselves and not just cop the exact same deck strategy from person to person? If I get paired with someone that plays the same old crap, I just concede. I don't even give these people a game.
The combining of different expansions really sucks, people combine cards that really shouldn't be combined cross expansion to get a huge edge. They should make it so that you can only play one expansion, and then have the match making pair you with someone else who is playing that expansion.
Are you playing in ranked mode? People will play it safe and use "meta" decks to maintain their rank. Casual actually does see a bit more variety but if you're expecting more game modes when expanded isn't even complete...it's not going to happen.
and there's no real reason not to use cards across different expansions? The whole point of an expansion is to shake up the game. If we could only use cards from a single expansion in a given deck the rotation (read: the thing that encourages people to keep buying new cards) would be pointless.
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Totally agree. I am so sick of Dialga Zacian and Zamazenta decks I just to scream when I see them. I made a deck specifically to take them down and it makes feel better to use it for the first hour or so, just whaling on f'n steel decks. I am currently working on a deck to take down those ArcanineGX based decks too. Sheep everywhere, totally agree.
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I play expanded myself. Using a fun deck. Espeon / Umbreon deck.
Pokémon: 9
2 Eevee VMAX PR-SW 87
2 Eevee SMALT 24
2 Umbreon-GX SUM 80
1 Eevee & Snorlax-GX TEU 120
1 Lugia-GX LOT 159
2 Eevee V PR-SW 65
1 Mewtwo & Mew-GX UNM 71
2 Eevee-GX SMP 175
2 Espeon-GX SMP 35
Trainer: 14
3 Energy Loto GRI 122
1 Wicke BUS 147
3 Tate & Liza CES 148
2 Altar of the Moone GRI 117
2 Marnie CPA 56
1 Air Balloon SSH 156
2 Evolution Incense SSH 163
2 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Professor's Research SVI 189
4 Cynthia UPR 119
1 Ear-Ringing Bell UNM 194 PH
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Boss's Orders BRS 132
Energy: 5
1 Basic {P} Energy EVO 95
4 Double Colorless Energy PHF 111
2 Aurora Energy SSH 186
4 Basic {D} Energy Energy 42
5 Basic {P} Energy Energy 40
Total Cards: 60
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Chien-Pao being meta boggles my mind. It’s without a doubt one of the easiest decks to beat consistently, and it really crumbles when it goes up against the more off-meta, meme decks like Venomoth/Torterra
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Chien-Pao being meta boggles my mind. It’s without a doubt one of the easiest decks to beat consistently, and it really crumbles when it goes up against the more off-meta, meme decks like Venomotj