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Pokémon TCG Live 1.2.1 Update & Development Letter Discussion Thread



  • CGG_Purinos
    CGG_Purinos Member Posts: 3
    First Answer First Comment

    @TechHog That suggestion of splitting the playing field and keeping the background permanent is absolutely genius. It's a subtle change, but it really gives off the vibe that players are against each other and even mimics some of the "split board" aesthetics used in other games. Just find a way to loop the animation smoothly and it's golden. (DEVS, PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN.)

    That aside, I'm happy to see that changes are being made based on community feedback. While I still think there is plenty that can be improved, this is a huge step in the right direction and tells me that they ARE listening to us. Fingers crossed that it will be ready for the global beta by the time Scarlet and Violet cards roll out in Feb./Mar. 2023.

    Good stuff, devs. Please keep it up!

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    I completely agree with @TechHog - keep the board states after the animations. No need to put in that work to make great looking boards and then only show them for a few seconds! Perhaps it could be a toggle in the settings to alleviate performance concerns.

    I would also say that the increase in the speed of card animations is perhaps the single biggest improvement that you could have made to the game-play experience. It's like playing a new game - everything feels responsive and it feels great.

    The new implementation of avatars is nice as well. They get a lot of hate, but I like them (in moderation), so this feels like a perfect middle ground.

  • FrancoBond
    FrancoBond Member Posts: 5
    First Comment

    Hi, if I can do a feedback.

    I had problem with all card when we had to choose any card in the deck (Black card not selectable)

    ---- PC Version with good connection / No VPN ----

    I could search pokemon with VIP Pass before update. Now, I have card black and I cannot select any card. But Quick Ball / Hyper Ball seems work well.

    And The Rotom Phone stay on air, don't join my hand and I cannot do anything except concede the game. (Game Freeze)

    ---- Mobile Version ----

    I have my hand on the victory screen. But, I didn't see any big problem. The Bug of the PC Version don't appear here (VIP Pass tested on mobile and it worked)

    ---- In the both version----

    It's faster and more pleasant to play.

    If it's possible to say how to fix the bug of the VIP Pass on PC Version, please tell me.😊

    Thanks for reading. You're doing great job 😊

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 2022 #15

    Gonna note that I agree with @jon11w that my suggestion should be a toggle if it's implemented.

    Also, while having faster animations is great, just running the animations at double speed doesn't fix the main issue. The coinflip still takes way too long, and you still have to wait for animations to finish before you can interact. Addressing those issues would be great. Also, a dark mode option for the entire UI instead of just the game board.

    I'll probably have more after I play more, but one can only take so much Lost Box.

  • FrancoBond
    FrancoBond Member Posts: 5
    First Comment
    edited October 2022 #16

    I can complete my feedback since my last message.

    I cannot take any card in my deck (with rapid ball / VIP Pass/ Hyper Ball etc...) when the Rotom Phone is in my deck on PC. I have a lot of bug when this card in particular is in my deck. Whereas the Rapid Ball/VIP pass/Hyper Ball don't bug and let me take the cards in my deck when the Rotom Phone is absent from my deck.

  • Francko1091
    Francko1091 Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments Photogenic First Anniversary

    The game feels a lot better now !! In android after the duel the cards in your hands is still showing

  • Monsieur-Master
    Monsieur-Master Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments 5 Agrees

    For the new version I have some comments:

    - The new board and card animations are beautiful.

    - The fact that the animations are faster is really nice, but now we have another problem that's impossible to see the opponent's cards when they pick up cards from the deck or the discard pile, or when they discard cards. Before was difficult but now I can't see at all, I really need to imagine what are the cards by seeing the blur in the screen when they appear.

    Faster animations shouldn't mean faster screen time of cards when they are suppose to be seen by both players.

    - In both mobile and PC, after finishing a match, the player's hand cards will remain on screen during the total damage info screen.

    - The opponent's hand cards stay over the cards in the middle of the bench. It's not possible to see the damage over them just by looking the board.

    - Matchmaking still taking more time than the Pokémon Online, but maybe it's because there are a lot less players now, so I hope that when more regions are added to the Live this will not happen.

    And not related to the new version, but I'm still waiting to big countries like USA and Brazil to be add to the Live. This would really increase the feedback for the beta and check if the system supports a lot more players.

  • WoodBridge16
    WoodBridge16 Member Posts: 6
    First Anniversary First Comment

    love the new board and animations, keep up the great work guys.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @TPCi_CursedSoup Are there any plans to add a game log? We need it desperately and it should be a #1 priority. It would both fix the problem of cards being revealed too fast and make it easier to report and identify bugs.

  • Monsieur-Master
    Monsieur-Master Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments 5 Agrees

    And another thing, that I'm still trying to check if it's a bug (to open a ticket) or an issue of the new version, is that I already lost 2 matches after making an attack where the game just freezes and I need to restart it (one on mobile and another on PC).

    The saddest is that both where ranked games, so I lost points on both :(