How can I improve my deck?

My friend gave me a bunch of TGC live redemption codes and I got a whole bunch of nice cards for an electric-psychic deck. He helped me out with getting one started, but I'd like to make sure it's super ready for some big-brain plays.
The deck is as follows:
Mawile x1
Lunatone x1
Mewtwo V x2
Mewtwo VSTAR x2
Magnemite x1
Diancie x1
Regieleki V x2
Regieleki VMAX x2
Spiritomb x1
Magnezone V x1
Mimikyu x2
Raikou V x1
Switch x3
Exp Share x2
Avery x2
Energy Retrieval x2
Cram-o-matic x1
Fog Crystal x2
Klara x1
Nest Ball x2
Professor's Research x2
Boss's Orders x2
Arven x2
Double Turbo Energy x2
Jet Energy x2
Therapeutic Energy x2
Basic Psychic Energy x8
Basic Electric Energy x8
I'd love to know how I could improve this deck. If you have any suggestions for other decks that aren't necessarily psychic-electric I'd like to know about them.
Best Answer
Regileki VMax and Mewtwo VStar don't really work well together. I'd recommend making a deck focused on either one or the other, not both.
If you'd like to stick with this hybrid deck, then I'd at least recommend reducing the number of Energy cards. Most decks run about 10-15 Energy. I'd recommend removing the Jet Energy and Theraputic Energy, as well as removing a few Electric Energy. I'd also remove the Cram-O-Matic because luck-based cards are too inconsistent.
To replace those, I'd add a couple Ultra Balls to help you find your Evolution Pokemon. I'd also add 2-4 copies of Iono (extra card draw is always good, and late-game it can disrupt your opponent's hand too). Finally, I'd consider adding a couple copies of Artazon (every deck should have a couple Stadiums, and considering your variety of Basic Pokemon I think Artazon would be best).
If you want to build a deck specifically around Mewtwo VStar, consider using Gardevoir ex to re-attach the Energy that Mewtwo discards with its attack.
If you want to build a deck specifically around Regileki VMax, then consider using Miraidon ex, Flaffy (Dynamotor ability), and Electricity Generator to set up your Pokemon quickly. Then use Beach Court to alternate between the attacks of Miraidon and Regileki.
Thanks for this! I will say, the deck is mostly focused around Mimikyu's Safeguard ability, which allows him to take 0 damage from Vs and exs. I use this ability to grind and slowly deal 70 damage each turn(with Ghost Eye) so that I can build up my Regieleki VMAXes. the Mewtwo VSTARs are only there for a little extra bit of damage. I also like to apply my EXP shares to the Mewtwos in order to build them up for Super Psy Surge. I wasn't aware of Gardevoir ex, so I'll try and look out for it and Miraidon. I think removing the Therapeutics is a good idea, but I like to use the Jets to save energy by applying it to a Regieleki or Raikou to push them up and get an ability or attack in.
I should also say that I don't have amazing powers of foresight and I'm not good at seeing a card and immediately knowing what to do with it. I only started seriously understanding Pokemon literally a week ago, so maybe everything I just said is completely incorrect.