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Several questions regarding Pokemon Go Kid-account

Hello community ppl,

I am trying to install Pokemon Go for my 7-year old son on a Iphone 7 Max.

I think I am trying to configure it correctly for more than a week now, so I have given it a go and Googled my fingers untill they were blue.

The idee is to have a kid friendly Pokemon Go for my son

But I do not seem to understand it.

1. After installing the Pokemon Go app and starting it the first time, the app asks for my date of birth (before logging in). Why / what is the purpose of this ? It seems so unnecessary, since you have to log in after.

2. What is the purpose of the next question: returning player / new player ? whatever you chose, you go to the same question: next Pokemon Trainer Club / Niantic Kids, which leads to almost the same next question: Username/Password (only when you choose New Player in the Beginning, you get the extra option to create a New Player after choosing between Pokemon Trainer Club or Niantic Kids) ?

It seems so confusing and unnecessairy complex for no reason I understand.

Why not simply have one logginscreen with Username and Password and the option to create a new player/account ?

3. Why are there 2 login options Pokemon Trainer Club (what I am trying to use with my Kid configured and connected to my Pokemon account) and/or Niantic Kids ?

4. What is the difference between Niantic Kids and like I am trying to do: my son configured as a kid in my Pokemon profile ? What is the best option and why ?

As I said I created a Pokomen Account for myself and created a kids account whitin my own Pokemon account for my son

I configured the emailadres for my sons account being the same as my emailaccount.

I also connected my Pokemon Go account to my Nintendo-account.

Than I logged in the Pokemon profiel of my son with the Username and Password of my son

Everything looks correctly configured, but when I try to connect my sons Pokemon Go account to his Nintendo-account there is a message saying that there will be an email send to the parrent emailadres for permission, which is me with my emailaccount (the emailadres is correct)

However whatever I do, I receive no email not in my inbox or spammail.

I have deleted the Pokemon account of myself and my son several times and created them again, but I do not receive any email for permission of a cofiguration change in my sons Pokemon account.

So I can not give permission to connect my sons Pokemon Go account to his Nintendo Account.

5. Anybody have any idea what I do wrong ?

Thank you in advange for any time and effort


Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees Name Dropper
    #2 Answer ✓

    A lot of things could be going on here, I recommend taking a step back. Don't delete your account. Make sure your account is working, that you can access it, and that you used the right email. Then go make the account for your kid. You should be receiving a confirmation. I would try again and be patient. In the meantime, you can reach out to support to help figure out what's wrong.

    DOB is important because your kid must make their own account if they are over 13. Accurate account information is important for participating in events, and possibly even future tournaments. Age is also likely important for determining how to treat account information with respect to privacy laws.

  • Member Posts: 3
    First Answer First Comment Photogenic
    #3 Answer ✓

    New and returning player never used to be a thing there used to be a sign up option not sure why they changed that bit


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  • Member Posts: 3
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    Hi trainerJNLY and gaberilde,

    Thank you for your responses.

    It took a little while for getting back, but I finally have a working situation.

    I still don't know why it is so unnecesary complicated, so I still have no confirmed answer for my own questions 1-3.

    However based on my experience so far, I think the answers are the following:

    1.   After installation of Pokemon on my phone and starting the App for the first time, I simply input my date of birth, without knowing why.

       After this, the question was never asked again

    2.   The first (after installation) you have to choose "New Player"

       I think after logging in the required (or more) software is downloaded, the App is configured properly or something like that

       After logging in the first time with "New Player", you can log in as "Returning Player"

    3.   Ninatic Kids is a simulair as a Pokemon Child-Account

       I don't know the difference and/or the Pro's and Con's, but they have the same goal.

       I created a Pokemon account for myself as a Pokemon Trainer and than created a Pokemon Child-Account for my son

       When I log in to the Pokemon App, I have to choose Pokemon Trainer for myself to login as well as for my son.

       I simply have no Niantic Kids account.

       This works fine with me

    4.   The problem with email I was not receiving, seems to have something to do with my @hotmail.com email-account

       About 5-7 years ago apparantly Nintendo/Pokemon had somesort of Hotmail-bug and/or was blacklisted by Microsoft

       Anyway it seems that Nintendo and Microsoft (still) have issues and it is better to use a non-Microsoft Emailaccount together with you Pokemon account.

       Switching to a emailaccount form a non-Microsoft provider, worked for me.

       For ppl, who are (just like me) in the proces of creating a Pokemon account, used a Microsoft Emailaccount and receive no emails from Pokemon, contact the Pokemon helpdesk.

       They can change the emailacount in your Pokemon account and with that resolve this issue

    Hope this will help other newbies like me in the future.



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