Imagine You Were a Pokemon Champion

Imagine you were the Champion of a Pokemon region.
Which region would you be Champion of?
What would be your primary pasttime or side hustle?
What would your ace and the rest of your team be?
For me, I might choose to be champion of the Alola region. I'd probably spend my spare time reading or looking into the mythology of the region.
My ace would be Rotom, taking on the form with the starter type strong against yours (e.g. Mow Rotom for Popplio), as well as the respective Z-Crystal of that type.
The rest of my team would be Lurantis, Magmortar, Clawitzer (Not all three- just the members that would form a Grass/Fire/Water core with the respective Rotom form), Mudsdale, Skarmory, and Alolan Muk.
I would be a Kalos champion.
I would probably be an artist but also sort of a person who likes to collect rare items, a collector.
My ace would be a Tyranitar that is able to Mega Evolve. The rest of my pokemon will be Magnezone, Smeargle (Refrencing the art passion), Bisharp, and Electrode
The other pokemon on my team will counter the opponent's starter pokemon's type and the pokemon will either be Trevanent, Houndoom, or Floatzel (I liked your starter counter idea a lot, so I decided to use it).
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I’d want to be a Champion in a new region where I frequently help in cooperative Raid Battles. The two Indeedee who lend their aid would be my close partners.
In a series first, the final test would offer new battle rules with adjustments similar to that of the Battle Tower or Play! Pokémon format. Alternatively, a challenger can choose the standard 6-on-6 Single Battle.
The new options spur the Champion version of me to improve before the next challenger arrives. My final team under Battle Tower rules depends on how the player answers my questions and whether they won or lost battles against me during their journey.
And my ace Pokémon under standard rules is a Swoobat I use Max Mushrooms on. Strengthening Stored Power like that would hopefully send a Champion-level message to challengers.
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I want to be a champion in Kalos. My spare time would probably be traveling around the world to find things (such as, evolution stones, mega stones, lore, etc). My ace would be Mega Lucario who uses its aura to find new things. My team would be Gardevoir, Lucario, Tyranitar, Charizard, and Swampert and Gengar. All of them have a potential to have mega evolution to show the gym leaders of the region that they should add a mega to their team to represent the region of Kalos. I would return back to Kalos when I get alerted that a trainer has beaten all eight badges, otherwise, I'll be found all over the world.
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I would want to be the champion of blueberry academy and my ace Pokémon would definitely be archaludon: I would play double battle with a rain team. My first Pokémon would be Pelliper with drizzle and support moves. My next Pokémon would be a seaking with swift swim ability. After that, I would have a Castform with thunder. By then the rain might have worn off so I would have a politoed with drizzle. Next I would use a swift swim armaldo with X-scissor and earth power to cover my weaknesses. Then, my ace Pokémon archaludonwith electric Tera and would be holding a choice specs and will spam electro shot. If they somehow win I would give them the hydro cannon TM, water pledge TM and 5 rain dance TM along with 3 damp rock. I would be a special coach in Pokémon scarlet and violet DLC and would trade you a level hundred Pelliper with my Pelliper’s moveset and holding the damp rock item.
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I'm the champion of kalos, alola, galar, and paldea
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I'd be the champion of Unova and I'd be an actor in Pokéstar Studios, specifically one who likes playing villain characters. The idea of unlocking new movies where you can act with the Champion after beating them sounds cool.
- Tyranitar
- Krookodile
- Crobat
- Ferrothorn
- Darmanitan
- Weavile
I think it's cool, maybe a bit weird though. The theme is Pokémon that look like bad guys or antagonists, with some Pokéstar Studios references too: Ferrothorn which looks like a UFO, Tyranitar (Mecha Tyranitar), Weavile (Full Metal Cop). The rest just look like they could be antagonists or villains.