Goodra :)

I decided to finally try playing with the concept of a lost box deck, and I was specifically intrigued by the idea of running a variant with Hisuian Goodra V. The general idea is to do the usual Comfey shenanigans in order to make use of Mirage Gate, hopefully throwing some extra damage along the way with support mons, and then start wearing things down with Goodra.
Pokémon: 6
3 Comfey LOR 79 (initially tested with four copies but 3 seems to be the sweet spot for this configuration)
2 Drapion V LOR 118 (literally only here as a dedicated Mew counter. In theory could be accelerated with mirage gate as a gardy counter, but frankly not worth the effort unless it really is the only option. I'm removing it once E rotates out haha)
2 Hisuian Goodra VSTAR LOR 136
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 (a draw engine as well as helpful snipe damage in a pinch or for lategame cleanup. Barely surviving a hit from Cramorant in escape rope shenanigans is nice though)
2 Hisuian Goodra V LOR 135 (generally only One is needed on the board, but I will reconsider adding an extra copy of the gooeys after rotation. Ideally stays on the bench until it's set up and evolved but it can still manage with its base form if it has the energy to stall with reduced damage)
3 Cramorant LOR 50 (obligatory for any lost box, really. Like Comfey I tried 4 copies initially but 3 seems to be a better number)
Trainer: 14
4 Switch SVI 194
2 Lake Acuity LOR 160 (Goodra's bread and butter! With Acuity on the board and a successful Iron Roller it takes 100 less damage the next turn. The longevity is incredible. Considering tweaking to make room for a third copy)
3 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Energy Recycler BST 124 (there are actually two in here, it's just different expansions. For recovering energies discarded to set up of course. Especially nice when it can be used right before a mirage gate)
2 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 (still worth using if no pokemom were prized. obviously you can toss it into the void otherwise)
2 Lost Vacuum CRZ 135 (speeds up mirage gate setup of course, and occasionally lets you, say, strand an opponent's active by removing a beach court or slowing down their setup if it forces them to attach an energy just to retreat)
2 Battle VIP Pass FST 225
2 Ultra Ball CRZ 146 (intended for digging for Goodra Vstar if it's not in hand but also works for turn 1 setup in a pinch)
4 Mirage Gate LOR 163 (mostly for Goodra, Greninja is the secondary candidate)
3 Nest Ball SVI 181 (will likely bump to 4 after E rotates)
3 Colress's Experiment LOR 155
2 Choice Belt BRS 135 (turns many Vs that would barely survive an Iron Roller into a OHKO, but given how much damage gooey can sponge it's not always necessary + vmaxes are a 2HKO either way)
1 Energy Recycler AOR 72
3 Boss's Orders BRS 132 (4 is tempting, but probably not)
Energy: 2
6 Basic {M} Energy Energy 52
7 Basic {W} Energy Energy 47
Additional notes:
- if you get stuck with just a drapion on turn 1. good luck. I want to emphasize that you really do not want the drape on the board at all unless you're against a Mew deck and can snipe a vmax in the same turn. it's a prime boss target in basically every other scenario.
- Miriam could probably find a spot in here. Cramorant spam sometimes works much better than you might think and rescue carrier won't give the same mileage (you don't generally need more Comfey once you can use mirage gate)
- Judge vulnerable, but can also run judge here if so desired
- "you had to draw (x) mulligans before you had a basic pokemon in your hand" (you will probably mull at least once every match. sorry)
It’s very friendly toward people. If you grow close to it, Goodra will hug you with its sticky, slime-covered body. Don’t get mad. An amazingly friendly Pokémon, but if left to itself, loneliness overcomes it, and it oozes gooey tears. Its form of offense is forcefully stretching out its horns. The strikes land 100 times harder than any blow from a heavyweight boxer.