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Any Fossils and Fossils Pokémon to return in Generation X?

MrCarle Member Posts: 169
Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 LOLs 5 Likes

Do you think that fossils and Fossil Pokémon, including from Helix Fossil abd Omanyte to Fossilized Fish/Dino and Arctovish, will return in the Generation X Pokémon main series video games? Why?


  • cpm1
    cpm1 Member Posts: 437 ✭✭✭
    25 Answers 100 Comments 25 LOLs Second Anniversary

    i think so.

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments Name Dropper First Answer

    Yes because they've seen how popular Dracovish is in the video games, which means that at least the Fossilized Fish/Dino will come back.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The act of reviving fossils as living creatures in the modern world becomes more morally suspect in retrospect following the implications of the Scarlet plotline.

    The original games had fossil Pokémon and they existed in a world where Jurassic Park was very contemporary in popular culture. But the games unquestioningly treated it as something cool. Another gimmicky way to obtain unique Pokémon and complete the Pokédex.

    Would Pokémon resurrected by weird science not potentially be more threatening to the ecosystem than real Pokémon from the past time travelling? Were fossil Pokémon even originally rock type or is that a feature of their fossil origins introduced by the nature of their resurrection? Could not these mutants do more harm if they got into the gene pool?

    If fossil Pokémon are revisited in this or future generations, I wonder whether the game will comment on these issues. Or will it not come up again now we have time travel?

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,976 ✭✭✭✭
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    Minus the combination fossil pokemon from gen 8 and bring about some new fossil pokemon for gen 10 like a spinosaurus or even a mammoth.