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In Pokemon Live is the card size too small ! Please Fix it!

I thought it was up to me. I started live and immigrated the last few weeks. I was already wondering at the beginning about the much too small cards and card texts. These are so small that you can't even read the texts in the deck editor. In the old Pokemon Online game, I could confidently lie down on my pillow and read everything from there comfortably lying down.

I thought the fault was mine. Now I have had some time and tried different settings. I have to say that I play on a very large TV with high resolution. But no matter what setting I used. The maps are not readable. I have now discussed this with various players. Same problem with everyone else. The map graphics are just way too small. The space that is available.

Both during the game and during deck building, the display is too small. You can only read the cards if you were sitting directly at the monitor. I tried that too. Again, it's too small and definitely not good for the eyes. It's very exhausting. This is one of the most stressed features of the game. Which could easily be changed:

- The maps must be displayed larger.

- The maps must be easy to read.

- To prevent eye diseases.

- The deck-building view when looking at the cards is also too small.

- I don't like to give the example, but in PTCGO the size was perfect, you could read and view everything well. 


  • Mod_Skrilla
    Mod_Skrilla Member Posts: 325 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 25 LOLs Second Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hello, Trainer,

    Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.

  • SupaMoresh
    SupaMoresh Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I agree, the cards are almost impossible to read. Isn't there an accessibility setting to magnify or increase the text size?

  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    you can click on the card or hover over it for a full view with clearer text

  • Gangrils
    Gangrils Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    Clicking on the maps only costs traffic and would not have to be necessary if the maps were displayed in a decent size. In the deck building display, you can't use clicking on it and always have the problem there. Basically, the detail view is not an option in combat, it slows down the action. In some situations it doesn't work properly. If the opponent performs actions, then it even looks faulty in some cases. And it's not just the lyrics that are illegible

    It is also the case that the images are also enormously small. There is so much space available. This space is not used. It remains empty and presents the game (on the PC) simply too small.

    I hope it will be improved. It depresses the fun of the game so much that you lose interest. Unfortunately, this is not the only point that does this. But probably one of the points that could be fixed most easily.Ich hoffe, es wird verbessert. Es dämpft den Spielspaß so sehr, dass man das Interesse verliert. Leider ist dies nicht der einzige Punkt, der dies tut. Aber wahrscheinlich einer der Punkte, die am einfachsten behoben werden könnten. Es ist auch so, dass die Bilder auch enorm klein sind. Es steht so viel Platz zur Verfügung. Dieser Platz wird nicht genutzt. Es bleibt leer und stellt das Spiel (auf dem PC) einfach zu klein dar. Ein Klick auf die Karten kostet nur Traffic und müsste nicht nötig sein, wenn die Karten in einer ordentlichen Größe dargestellt würden. In der Deckbauanzeige kann man nicht darauf klicken und hat dort immer das Problem. Grundsätzlich ist die Detailansicht im Kampf keine Option, sie verlangsamt das Geschehen. In manchen Situationen funktioniert es nicht richtig. Wenn der Gegner Aktionen ausführt, sieht es in einigen Fällen sogar fehlerhaft aus. Und es sind nicht nur die Texte, die unleserlich sind.