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How do I get more pokemon for my Pokemon sleep team,?

So I have 3 pokemon so far for my team. I really want more but nothing I do seems to help.

What am I missing?


  • MayPichu
    MayPichu Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    So, after you go to sleep and wake up the next day. There will be a point where you can feed snacks to the Pokémon that are next to Snorelax. If you max out those new Pokémon's friendship with you, they will become helper Pokémon and join your team. Unless you are buying more poke biscuits from the shop or run into Pokémon that are hungry (if a Pokémon is hungry their friendship from biscuits is doubled) you will probably only befriend one Pokémon per day. Just keep playing the game and having a good night's sleep. You should eventually get a whole team by the end of the week. Hope this helps. 😊

  • nightblitz42
    nightblitz42 Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    First Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Agrees 5 Answers

    In order to encounter new Pokemon, you first need to track your sleep (use the Sleep button in the bottom right corner). After you wake up from 2+ hours of sleep, some sleeping Pokemon will appear. Feed Biscuits to those Pokemon in order to raise their Friendship. If you max out a Pokemon's Friendship this way, then you will be able to add it to your team via the "Pokemon" menu (bottom left) then "Edit Teams" option.

    Without purchasing extra Biscuits, it might not be possible to max a Pokemon's Friendship every night, but regardless your progress will carry over between nights.

    This style of game takes a long time to progress in. If you're already following all the above steps, it could be that you just haven't fed any species enough Biscuits to max out their Friendships yet. In that case, there's nothing to do except keep feeding Biscuits to the Pokemon you want and wait for them to join you.