What if Pokemon Journeys was one of the video games too?

I would love to see how the Pokemon world is set up, how the regions align with each other and all that. I think there should be a Pokemon journeys game where you start in a region of your choice and have the options to travel to all the different regions and meet all sorts of Pokemon! I know, I sound like Ash, but it's a good idea, right? : )
If it were a thing, what region/town would you start out at, what would your starter Pokemon partner be, what would your main team be, and what would be your goal (World coronation series, complete the pokedex, etc)
For me, I would start in Paldea, my partner would be a Charcadet (Ceruledge when it evolves), and my goal would be to become the World Champion. My complete, final team would be Ceruledge, Skeledirge, Inteleon, Indeedee (male), Noivern, and Miraidon.
I might choose to start in Hoenn, with my starter being a Mudkip. My goal would be to investigate legends and mythology in various regions, and possibly meet a Legendary Pokemon.
My final team (took me a few minutes to decide upon) might be Swampert, Sigilyph, Decidueye, Magmortar, Rotom, and Drapion.