I had a weird Pokémon dream

Last night I dreamt that I was at a sports game, it was like they were playing tennis but on a soccer field, but that part isn’t really important. Like any scenario I decided to pull out my Switch and play Pokémon.
It was apparently some new Pokémon game, the graphics were a lot like the “Let’s Go” games. My character was in a very large city, it was cool and much larger than say, Mesagoza.
Anyway, I encountered a shiny Emolga. For some reason this new game allows Pokémon to spawn in cities I guess. It also wasn’t really a shiny, it just had orange cheeks as opposed to yellow. Most of the dream consisted of me repeatedly trying and failing to catch it. Due to dream logic, I just had to save my game before battling it and and would just restart the game every time I failed.
In conclusion. What does this mean? Generation 10 confirmed? Prophetic vision about the next game?! Nah it’s probably that I think about Pokémon too much and now Im having dreams about it.
I swear that I see shiny pokemon in real life wait is that a shiny paldean tauros.. no just a shadow