Please check your all your handheld consoles batteries regulary!

Just like regular batteries you can buy in any store, the batteries being used for handheld consoles will not stay alright forever!
While the normal ones "just leak" and may damage your hardware a bit, the Lithium-Ion Batteries in consoles become dangerous if they get faulty and can blow up at worst. You know that from mobile phones probably, same batterie after all. So please check them every couple months or ask for help if you don't have a small screwdriver around.
You can see it's alright if all surfaces are flat, no cracks and no other damages exist.
If they are faulty they have a bulge, kinda start to look like a pillow. These should be disposed immediately. If they really look ike a thicker pillow already, at best put them into a metal bin with some sand below, just as a saftey measure und you can dispose it.
I checked all my (3)DS's batteries a couple months ago and I had to remove every single one except for the New 3DS one. Don't worry, you can find replacements with a little search, just get them from a trustworthy source and check the comments if they exist.
YES. remember that your precious 20 year old 3ds is not immortal and to port your game saves and games over to emulators whenever possible as to not inevitably lose everything when your device turns into a handheld brick (my 3ds and all of my games was sold literally out of the middle of nowhere for no reason other than “you spend too much time on those games”, so personal experience.)
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Yeah, backuping your saves whereever possible is also a thing that needs to be done. Sadly some certain company doesn't allow cloud saves for their monster game even though losing progress there can destroy a huge collection... >_>
Sorry to hear that, can kinda feel that. My dad randomly threw some of my stuff away, among that my chipped PS2 I got for christmas from my ex. -_-
Makes my furious everytime when people simply decide to throw away other peoples stuff without their consent. One big way to gain huge trust issues.
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My 3DSs are fine for now, but I had to replace my GBA SP and DS batteries a few years ago. Much easier than replacing Game Boy cartridge batteries, of course.