What is your favorite water type (any game)

Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
My favorite water type is Vaporeon
I will always love Starmie.
Also, Lotad or Ludicolo!
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@DylanVsTheWorld what about Lombre
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Call me basic but I love grenninja !!!
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I like a lot of water types! I can't decide!
I like Poliwrath, Kingler, Gyarados, Lanturn, Azumarill, Quagsire, Octillery, Mantine, and Kingdra.
And that's just Gen 1 and 2
There are more water types that I like!
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The entire Slowpoke line including Slowbro, Mega Slowbro, and Slowking are all my favorite Pokemon.
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I'd say Swampert or Carracosta for now
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I like Lombre a lot too. Just that 1) I prefer the other two and 2) I felt like I was already naming too many Pokémon lol.