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Feedback/Changes in the game, regarding last letter.

I'm glad you're at least communicating in the last letter, but you need to listen the fanbase.

Zacian was too OP for months and almost every single place talking about Pokemon Unite was acknowledging this, it was easy to tell and act but you still waited for months letting the game in that state.

The increasing of Legendaries isn't something that also sounds exciting, you're saying, you want to design them to be the "leaders" or in other words strongest in their role, but then it will reach a point when teams are full of legendaries because of their power, they need to be balanced as well as the other pokemon.

The decision of including every Pokemon to the test beta is a good thing.

There's other aspects that need to be improved:

One important thing is listening what most of the players want, add Draft Mode into Rankeds, at least in Master Rank or reaching certain points in Master like 1400 or 1600, that would improve the experience in the game.

Fix or change the matchmaking, right now the game kind of "punish" you for playing good, the better your WR% or Master Points were in the last season, the worse the player they will pair with you, that shouldn't be the case.

Do something with the Holowear/Fashion Tickets, you can do more simple holowear (green)/Fashion clothes to exchange them, right now they are useless and can't do anything with them (not even sell them).

You said in the letter that this was a direct way to communicate with all the Team, then I hope you take these changes in consideration.


  • Mariazin87
    Mariazin87 Member Posts: 4
    First Comment Photogenic

    I am glad to see that we can have a better communication with pokemon unite team

    It Will be cool if they add the draft pick, or the pick Ban to Pokémon unite Solo ranked. That will be cool, and will increase the diversity of pokemons on the matches, and not seeing the same Pokémon all the time like umbreom, zacian, urshifu and Zoroark, I really wanna see pokémons like Charizard, Venasaur, Dragapult, Crustle, garchomp, Machamp getting more actention. And also see more new supporters on pokemons unite it will be cool if the add: tropious, liligant, winscott, meganium and togekiss

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees 5 LOLs 5 Answers 100 Comments

    I mentioned the Legendaries thing in another discussion, and I think it might be able to work better if they were a reward for playing well in a match and not something you can pick as your main.