Greece as a possible region

When it comes to post gen 10 pokemon game, Any of you think that Greece should be an interesting region to based on. a rich amount of culture, stories, myths and landscape for those to venture out in the pokemon journey along with a good deal of greek pokemon.
Thank you. For the greek pokemon region anime. I also plan to bring May Back after 1 or two years once Ash returns sometime after gen 10. That goes double for Max.
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I've had the idea for a Greece region personally, mostly influenced by my love of Percy Jackson. I have:
- Starters (Goaremi- a grass goat with a satyr flute, Arven- a fire ram, and Bribark- a puppy with a fish tail based off a telekhine)
- Legendaries (an electric bird and a giant ocean horse)
I have more ideas I could go into- please like this post if you'd be interested in seeing them.
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Tempting, but I got a better idea for greece. Rather than 1 pokemon on each box, we expand the legendary as in 13 Olympians and 12 titans with one more being mythical. For the grass starter, a grass type calf pokemon, a fire type puppy pokemon and a water type egret pokemon.
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The gyms could look like huge Greek-style buildings with pillars in front (see the Parthenon for reference of what I’m thinking of) and the actual arena is like an Olympic stadium.
I feel like gym battles would have a big importance in the region like Galar, due to Greece’s history with athletics. And each gym leader would put emphasis on their own battle philosophies as a reference to old scholars and philosophers. I guess gym leaders are already kind of like that but you get my drift…
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Gym battles will be big. However, the gym leaders would be more in resemblance to each of the olympian pokemon. Gym Guardians. Acting as both gym leader and member of governing body in the Greek Pokemon Region.
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In addition to Greek Region Pokemon and Trainers, I would also introduce something unexpecting that would make the pokemon world even more mysterious. With the influence of the 13 Olympian Pokemon, I already figure there are several human like creatures thriving alongside pokemon. I'm referring to merfolk. not mermaid like pokemon but legitimate merfolk.