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If you woke up one day, and you're suddenly in the Pokemon world...



  • TylerTheHuman
    TylerTheHuman Member Posts: 9
    10 Comments Photogenic

    If the region and town I start in is random, then it is kind of a gamble here. If I wake up in Twinleaf town in Sinnoh, awesome! If I wake up in Cinnabar Island in Kanto, then there would be issues.

  • Cookerisreal
    Cookerisreal Member Posts: 11
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    Obtain magnezone

  • Milk_487
    Milk_487 Member Posts: 8
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    I'd say Galar, I'd start in Ballonela. I'd try to start with mymiku.

  • Pikachu911866
    Pikachu911866 Member Posts: 4
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    I'd like to start in the Hoenn, Alola, or Paldea region.

    For Hoenn, I want to start in Mosdeep City probably. Just because I'd love to go to the space center. And my starter would be Mudkip.

    Alola I'd like to start in Hau'oli City. Then I could be on the beach whenever, and I'd pick Litten.

    And finally for Paldea, I'd want to be in Mesagoza. It was a pretty cool town in Gen 9. And my starter would be Sprigatito.

  • Carter3329
    Carter3329 Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
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    I would live in Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh region. My starter would be Chimchar

  • chillycapybara
    chillycapybara Member Posts: 8
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    Kalos is my favorite region, but I have no idea where i'd start. I just like the architecture and pokemon there, my only gripe is the crowded feeling i'd get if I was there. I'd prefer a more open region maybe like the alola region, but i'm not one for tropical areas. I would absolutely go get a noibat because i've always loved music and noivern is basically a sound dragon (wyrm whatever) so yeah.

  • Bionicthehedge
    Bionicthehedge Member Posts: 5
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    Nacrene City, there's a cool museum and library near the gym and there's a cute cafe nearby. Though there's not going be much water Poppilo unless I travel to another city....

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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    I'd be jumping for joy going on never ending journeys and adventure. If I have to pick a pokemon as my partner, it be an eevee, which it'll evolve into an espeon. I would say new bark town.

  • feebas48
    feebas48 Member Posts: 7
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    Vermilion City in Kanto for the city, it's very comforting to me. for a pokemon I would choose ekans or weedle :3