General Gameplay Thoughts

Hi everyone!
Not sure if this is helpful but I wanted to start a thread on areas of improvement on the client.
- Being able to view your hand while being asked to promote your active pokemon after being knocked out.
- It feels like actions and gameplay take a long time to get going (opening the discard pile, coin flips)
- Adding an option in the gameplay settings to toggle valid cards versus all cards when you play a search card (Quick Ball).
- Removing having to click the X when viewing card details both in game and in deck manager.
- Adjusting the function of the one of the mouse clicks in the deck manager. Both left and right click should not provide the same function ex. right click could add 1 copy of that card to the deck immediately instead of dragging.
- Subpoint to 5, implementing a view deck button to see your 60 cards in total. It can help with deckbuilding and identifying if something is missing.
- Pack opening takes a tad long (being asked to flip over each card one at a time, (I utilize the collect all function)
- Play field feedback, I'm not sure how finite this is but rearranging/resizing the play field. It feels like there is a lot of emptiness going on in the play area, the only effects are the ones from making something an active pokemon.
If this isn't helpful I can stop but I can continue to provide thoughts and feedback. I look forward to the growth and future of this game. For other people, what has been something you enjoy about PTCGL? For me it's been crafting and seeing it automatically calculating damage (Mad Party attack) for example.
This is really helpful, and I completely agree on all points
One of the biggest things for me, that you haven’t listed, is how the benches don’t actually show the full cards.
While on mobile, you might not have the space to fit the full cards, on desktop there shouldn’t be a reason not to.
Another thing to address is the inconsistency with the numbers on the cards when on the field. I don’t get why there’s flavor text telling you the total HP, yet the game also places damage counters on the card.
If the games going to do some math for us, why not go all the way. Imo it should full hold your hand, or not do it at all
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Adding onto point two, the sluggish animations of the client will artificially adjust metagames in a competitive environment because decks which play longer games and decks that take more actions will be severely disadvantaged.
I believe animations need to be decoupled from gameplay as much as possible. For example, when an animation is playing for a card going to the discard pile, the player should be able to play cards out of their hand immediately, they shouldn't need to wait for the animation to finish.
On PTCGO, during your opponent's turn, when they reveal a card, a reveal animation is played where the card hovers for a few seconds and then returns to wherever it needs to be. If you left click while this animation is playing, the hover animation stops immediately and the card is returned to the opponent's hand. I believe this feature should be implemented for use on both players turns, not just an opponent's. If I already know what card my opponent is playing or what card I am revealing to my opponent, I should be able to skip the animation easily.
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(Taking the liberty to add onto Yoshi’s list)
9 - I want to feels some oomph! when I do a big attack. Poking for 40 damage feels the same as hitting 330 for KO and game. That’s a real missed opportunity to create memorable moments and endorphins!