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What Would You Guys Think of a Pokemon Game Similar to the Chao Garden From Sonic Adventure 2?

I think a game like that would be cool (PS I'm a Sonic fan AND A POKEMON FAN).


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yes, you can indeed be a fan of two or more things.

    I enjoyed SA2 and chaos back in the day, but I think the Pokémon games already do more than a stand alone chao garden style game could.

    That said, there is no reason the Pokémon games could not look at other creature raising games like the chao garden and incorporate some of their mechanics. The gen 8 camps and gen 9 picnics have attempted something similar, but I have never felt that they developed the idea enough and it has always struck me as a shallow novelty, if not an outright frustration to have to interact with the mechanic when I would otherwise rather not have bothered with it.

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    I personally think the chao garden is a great idea, but maybe something that Pokemon should base a game around rather than have it be a side feature, unless they wanted to maybe tone-down the exploration stuff in favor of a main hub where you can interact with your Pokemon.

    Never played SA2 but from what I've read, it seems like the Chao garden could be a bit more not much to do other than interact with Chao and play a couple minigames. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 628 ✭✭✭
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    My Pokemon Ranch was basically that for Gen 4 where you could transfer DS pokemon like Bank or Home but you couldn't really raise or play games with the pokemon inside them.

  • B_Tyler
    B_Tyler Member Posts: 9
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    Feels like that's what the pla pastures should've been. Would've been pretty cool to come back from catching Pokémon, and going to take care of all your friends. Also since it did away with the IV EV system, longer term breeding feels like it could be more rewarding. Maybe add some new baby Pokémon and hidden forms for when you breed specific Pokémon. Then of course minigames.