New Game Idea: The World Of Pokemon

Pokemon Game idea
Name of Game: The World Of Pokemon
(1,2,3, etc)
Big map! Big huge gigantic map for this game please
You start out in a full world of pokemon. With all of the regions of pokemon. New and old
This is a MMORPGs game, and if done right, it would be great!
No ptw, no pay for dlc, no pay for anything extra for when updates happen. Just a one time payment of $50-$80 or a monthly payment of $15 a month. With all updates and all things they make for the game Included in the one time payment price or the monthly price.
No general area for first spawn point, unless it's a school
The world would have a Day night cycle. And a monthly cycle, a monthly cycle would be real-world time. With events happening like gym battles, etc. And you need to schedule a gym battle, in-order to battle you, like your bedroom for sleeping, only npcs can go into it and your character.
With huge battles, like championships or battle Royale you need to schedule a time in order to battle. (Like see who is available to battle that moment, or schedule a time when your available to battle) And then you go into a new area, with some players, and battle the players.
And each day in the real world is a new day in the game. and your character needs sleep, needs food to be strengthened and water to survive, and air to breethe. (Yes, you can suffocate, starve, die of thirst, or drown) the day night cycle is based on a certain real-world time. Meaning, it will be a time cycle based on the real-world. Would have multiple servers for the MMO, so that those in the MST time would have it to their cycle, and people with EST time would have it with their cycle. Etc
it will be a living, breathing, reactive world. Your actions will shape the world
And NPC's actions will shape the world too. Good NPCs or bad npcs
Character creation
400-600 players per server, so that it would simulate life in the pokemon world.
Character progression:
You can be good or evil
You can create your character by scratch, what they look like, what the basic clothes they wear.
What they start with for a storyline, like single mom with siblings, or parents, or living with grandparents. Etc. Would determine where you get your first pokemon. Example: a school.
You would pick what region you start in.
Schools (first spawn point):
You would pick what school you would attend in your region, everyone starts at a school or family household. And would spawn randomly in the school or school grounds, having you to find any teacher, and they directly tell you where to go for the occupation you were interested in learning about. Also, you can make friends with the npcs. When going to bed, you go into the dorm, and only npcs can enter your bedroom, no players.
This only happens if you get kidnapped or someone wakes you up.
what you want to do in the pokemon world
Example: trainer, breeder, pokemon engineer, pokemon researcher, join team rocket, grow up to be a nurse Joy or officer Jenny, diver, surfer, shopkeeper, food specialist, scientist, fossil researcher, baker, etc, etc. (What ever job, you have in pokemon world)
When you age, you can choose what paths you want to take, (example: say at the beginning of making your character or choosing your character, you decide you want to do something different. well you can, but in a subcategory of the choice you made. Example
Say you want to be a scientist, well, what type of scientist? You could be a fossil scientist, or an engineering scientist. Another example, say you want to be a breeder, you have a full pokedex and then some of pokemon to choose from. You get to choose 15 pokemon you would like to breed, and you can choose them, but beware of overpopulation. You might be surprised to see team rocket snatching all your pokemon for their army…. Just one example.
Each job/occupation/career/families has its own stories you can encounter.
Your character ages, every 2 months in real time, your character reaches another year older.
and when you grow up, you can be a spouse with an NPC you can choose from interacting with other npcs your age that are single, and you have fallen in love with.
You can have your own family in game, and when you have your own child/children, you can choose at the age of 10, if you want to start a new journey as the child/children or live up to grandparent, and when the grandchildren turn 10, you have another choice to be that child/children or live a long life till a certain point in time. Where when you go to sleep, or get sick. You pass away. Making a new screen appear. Start a new adventure, as a new character.
When you have children, you can have the option to have other players as your children at the start of the game, so when you create your character. You have the option to have npcs be your children or grandchildren, or have players be your children or grandchildren, when there will always be one child available for you to be a new character, if you choose not to, then your child turns into an npc. Same goes with grandchildren.
And also, at the start of the game, you have the option to choose a family in game, see if there is any families available for you to turn into their child/grandchild. If not, then you just make your own character.
Game would be rated Everyone 10+ or Teen?
Massive open world sandbox rpg map, with the NPCs doing daily things, like shopping, laundry, cooking, etc
This is… oddly unhinged.
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Hello, Trainer,
Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.
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I think it'd be cool if we had a Pokémon survival game where we were The Pokémon. Like, forget trainers. Imagine a world before humans began to capture Pokemon and train them. It would be a survival game, and you can still collect a team of six Pokémon, but it wouldn't be RPG. And maybe there would still be a boss battle, or a way to beat the game. That's what I want from Pokémon.