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Why is Pokémon White & Black 2 the highest rated games to date?

DenverTrainer94 Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
25 Likes 5 Agrees Photogenic First Comment

Curious everyone’s opinions! Investing in a DS XL just to play !!


  • stiinkyghost
    stiinkyghost Member Posts: 4
    Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    I think they were the last truly excellent Pokemon games weren't really apricated in their time. Everything about them is great; the music, the updated locations from BW1, one of the best regional Dexes, the story and characters, and lots of optional features like the Medal system, Join Avenue, and the PWT. There's so much attention to detail in the games too. For example, the tempo of the music changes depending on if you're walking or running. Every route/city theme also has 4 versions for each of the seasons. The games just have so much to do and offer so much replayablity.

  • LucarioRay
    LucarioRay Member Posts: 18
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    basically its packed full of features and optional stuff to do. Pokemon world Tournament where you can battle past gym leaders and champions and Pokestar studios where you star in different movies are the major ones. Also its a direct sequel to black and white so if you liked the story there you get to see how things changed after 2 years but this also means you should play black/white if havent already since its sets up the plot of 2. Another reason is cause it fixed black/white's biggest issue which was it only had gen 5 Pokemon so now in the sequels you can find plenty of old pokemon which made it the largest region pokedex at that point of time.

  • scotty774
    scotty774 Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes Name Dropper

    At least in my opinion, B2W2 were the most well-designed Pokemon games to date. While I'm personally a bigger fan of BW, it's undeniable that B2W2 is the more enjoyable game, with new locations, quality of life improvements, and frankly better game design and atmosphere contributing to the game feeling the most fun out of any of them. Comparatively, DPPT is notoriously slow, HGSS' game design is rather unbalanced with how its level curve pans out, and BW's game design is often left to recycle elements with its restricted Pokedex. Even just thinking of Emolga in BW makes me shudder...

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 50 Answers 250 Likes

    I love gen 5. I was skeptical of BW after how great HGSS were and I was sad to see that the following Pokémon mechanic wasn't returning when I had hoped it would become the standard moving forward, but after picking up a copy of White from my local supermarket at launch and playing through it I fell in love with it. I loved that the games were willing to explore slightly deeper themes than previous games and I feel it was the peak of Pokémon sprite design.

    I was a little sad to find that Plasma's cause was just a front, but to be fair the games were never going to morally condemn the audience of what is ostensibly a children's game for using the series' primary mechanic. Of course the player would be judged morally correct by the end. It could have done with more ambiguity, but it is better than previous installments.

    I liked that key characters like gym leaders actually got involved in the plot and took action against the main threat.

    And despite the popular opinion of the time and even today, I liked the all gen 5 dex. Especially today, when nostalgia-bait is so common, I felt it was very bold to limit the player to catching and using new Pokémon.

    B2W2 didn't appeal to me as much, but are still cut from the same cloth and I enjoyed them immensely. There are still some interesting themes going on and it was interesting to see the world progress the very next game. In spite of my praise of the previous games' dex, it was nice to see old favourites return.

    I wish the difficulty modes and been better implemented and pursued further in the series. Having to transfer the mode to a blank cart from someone who had already completed the game was stupid. Who would want to complete the game just to unlock easy mode? I wish I could choose hard mode from the start.

    All in all, I cannot recommend the gen 5 games enough, and encourage every Pokémon fan to play them if they haven't already.

  • stiinkyghost
    stiinkyghost Member Posts: 4
    Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    I disagree that only having Unova Pokemon was an issue of BW1. They were sort of soft reboots of the series so it made sense they had entirely new Pokemon. It sort of felt like playing Red and Blue for the first time again. Every Pokemon you came across was a surprise whether you were a veteran player or new player.