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Which anime episode made you cry?

HelVic_6606 Member Posts: 4
Photogenic First Comment 5 Likes

Mine is the one in the anime post journeys (the 11 episode one) when the Babette was looking for heart hairpins bc it reminded them of their original owner, it went from 0-100 real quick and it made me cry for 10 minutes :')



  • cobaltbuizel
    cobaltbuizel Member Posts: 11
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    journeys dead cleffa episode

  • Captainmystery
    Captainmystery Member Posts: 3
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    Probably the ending to the rise of darkria movie

  • Captainmystery
    Captainmystery Member Posts: 3
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    Probably the ending to the rise of darkria movie

  • JuliusVercelli
    JuliusVercelli Member Posts: 113 ✭✭✭
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    I’m not sure about episodes, but The First Movie definitely did.

  • BlueTrainerPup
    BlueTrainerPup Member Posts: 8
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Comment 5 Likes

    Bye Bye Butterfree. Got me sobbing as a kid!

  • Beauchu
    Beauchu Member Posts: 43
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    or whatever its called

  • McGundam1215
    McGundam1215 Member Posts: 2
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    Bye bye Butterfree destroyed my emotions, so much so whenever it made a cameo such as in the last episode of Journeys i immediately started crying

  • McGundam1215
    McGundam1215 Member Posts: 2
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    Bye bye Butterfree destroyed my emotions, so much so whenever it made a cameo such as in the last episode of Journeys i immediately started crying

  • Beauchu
    Beauchu Member Posts: 43
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    Bye Bye, Pikachu for sure

  • Mimirocket
    Mimirocket Member Posts: 8
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    « Sweet baby James » and « Once There Were Greenfields » these two episodes are dedicated to James who parted ways with his pokemon Chimeco and Cacnea; this character despite he is in the Team Rocket organisation is my favorite because he is very nice and caring towards these pokemon and he is very sweet, cute and sensitive. The music is so beautiful, the expressions of James so touching. He cries with so much intensity, he is so cute… These moments made me cry with James, it was so sad but perfect and a great character development.