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Which pokemon you wish to be real?

What pokemon you wish to be real



  • hygiei
    hygiei Member Posts: 3
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    part of me wants to say skitty, because i love skitty. but also i recognize that having a skitty as a pet would be like, essentially tantamount to just having a cat lol.

    as a chronically ill person, i wonder if maybe blissey would be really nice to have around, honestly. or if there's a pokemon who can make me smarter, i'd definitely need that.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 690 ✭✭✭✭
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    https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/14925#Comment_14925I think that Blissy idea is great, however, as a cat owner, I don’t need skitty

  • Awnas
    Awnas Member Posts: 7
    Photogenic First Comment

    I'd like to have Eevee as a real companion. I know it's maybe a basic choice, but Eevee would just easily blend in with the rest of the animals, I feel like it would just fit into our world. We can assume that pokemon are different than animals and I'm allergic to cats, so maybe Eevee wouldn't cause me health problems while still being like a cat.

    Another choice for me would be Alakazam, having around a creature that has 5000IQ could help solve a lot of problems., and maybe lend a spoon if I need it.

  • SailFeel87
    SailFeel87 Member Posts: 7
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    Hmmm what a tough question... my mind goes straight to Eevee because Eevee's have very strong connections to their trainers and I believe would be like house cats but 1000x better. Also, one Eevee can turn into 8 different pets so its like a buy one get 8 free situation. Flareon would make a great but because its warm and good for cuddling, and a Glaceon would make a great freezer? Well, it could cool down sodas and stuff. That's why I think Eevee is the best Pokémon to come to life. What do you guys think is the best evolution for an Eevee? (Vaporeon is only excepted for other reasons than the copypasta.)

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭
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  • Dedenne90524
    Dedenne90524 Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
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  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 238 ✭✭✭
    25 Agrees 5 Answers 25 Likes Name Dropper


  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
    25 Agrees First Answer Name Dropper 10 Comments

    Dragonite, the one Ash owned in the anime looks so cuddly!

  • TylerTheHuman
    TylerTheHuman Member Posts: 9
    10 Comments Photogenic

    I would say Rotom, but after the Rotom Dex... Yeah, I'm choosing the Meltan line