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Which arc of the Pokémon Adventures Manga is your favorite?

PKMNmianna Member Posts: 3
Photogenic First Comment

I haven’t read all of the manga, but RS was probably my favorite, because of Ruby and Sapphire’s dynamics with each other and other characters. I also really liked SM for the same reason.

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  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 587 ✭✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    I agree, RS is really good, but I also like the original Red&Blue trilogy, especially the third book, because Red battles Team Rocket, Mewtwo, and Giovanni, and then goes on to win the championships, all in one book!

  • Kitt84
    Kitt84 Member Posts: 7
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    #3 Answer ✓

    I like the diamond and pearl series


  • Sooshiii
    Sooshiii Member Posts: 23
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    I've only read up to Ruby and Sapphire but so far definitely them, great dynamic.

  • Shrewy
    Shrewy Member Posts: 9
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    Yellow arc !

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭✭
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    I have only read up to the DPP arc and it has been a while, but despite not liking gen 3 too much, I also liked the RS arc.

    The characters had interesting relationships and dynamics. Contests are somewhat underdeveloped in the games, but Ruby's focus on them over the regular gym challenge mixed things up.

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 521 ✭✭✭
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    Only read Red/Blue and Yellow arcs, so it'll have to be them.