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Favorite and Least Favorite Rival?



  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    @MrDuck761 I agree on Bede but the reason I picked Blue over him is that Bede gets his just desserts early on (Rose disqualifies him shortly after he destroys the mural). You have to deal with Blue for the entire game before he's finally knocked off his pedestal.

  • MrDuck761
    MrDuck761 Member Posts: 20
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    My Favorite rival has got to be Nemona just because how friendly she is and the fact that she is basically starting a "New Game+" because of her being the top champion but deciding to start again with a new team makes me enjoy her as a character.

    My least favorite rival is Bede just because how arrogant he is just because at one point he destroys a piece of galarian history just because he was finding wishing stars to dynamax his pokemon

  • AceTrainerBasil
    AceTrainerBasil Member Posts: 18
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    My favorite rival is Tierno.

    I don't like the whole concept of rivals. In Gen 8 a whole bunch of randos were all my rivals, I don't see why I needed Hop to be one as well. Hop's my friend, I felt real bad for beating him, for not letting him replace his brother, the unbeatable Leon.

    What I like is when each "rival" does their own thing. Trevor makes the dex, Tierno dances, Shauna watches fireworks with you, and only that annoying girl Serena tries to defeat you. I never liked Serena, I don't mind beating the damn out of her.

    Oh, I think I know who's my least favorite rival - Serena! Idk, for some reason, I found her extremely annoying, worse than Silver even. Silver was a dude I wanted to avoid, felt no strong feelings towards him. Serena - I hated her! Even more than I hate Nemona.

  • Mikemaximum
    Mikemaximum Member Posts: 5
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    Favorite: Silver. Really good story, especially with the HGSS celebi event

    Least favorite: Barry. Like, who was he??

  • Mikemaximum
    Mikemaximum Member Posts: 5
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    Favorite: Silver. Really good story, especially with the HGSS celebi event.

    Least favorite: Barry. Like, who was he??

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    @AceTrainerBasil So basically you want friends in your Pokemon games, not rivals?

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @AceTrainerBasil The gen 6 rivals doing their own thing was a nice concept but the problem is that Pokémon games lack any mechanics besides Pokémon battles with which to interact with the world.

    Tierno dancing doesn't really mean anything beyond his model jumping around on screen. Is it possible gen 6 was going to have some new version of contests involving dancing mechanics that got scrapped, and Tierno was a holdover from that? Maybe. But in practice, in the game we got, all Tierno represents is bad rival battles right up until the end when his team suddenly leaps forward in levels for the final battle with him.

    Trevor's dex hunt could be more meaningful if he ever caught a substantial number of Pokémon and got ahead of you. He could have been a driving force for you to try and catch 'em all in the last game with a national Pokédex if he had caught every Pokémon available on every route you passed before each meeting and you really had to work or trade to beat him. But you don't, so...

    Pokémon has struggled with what the concept of a rival really means the last few generations. Nemona seems to actually represent the concept fairly well, even if she does come across as a little too pushy and friendly.

  • AceTrainerBasil
    AceTrainerBasil Member Posts: 18
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    https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/15000#Comment_15000No, dude, that's precisely why I like Tierno! I don't like rivalry at all! I don't like to be pushed, I don't like to beat my frieds at what they like, I prefer to do my own thing! I won't race Trevor for the biggest number of pokemon registered, I want to go through life at my own pace and not to compare myself to anyone. And I don't like to hurt my friends if I managed to be better. Beating Hop in Stow-on-Side was so heartbraking!

    And why y'all always complain about missed opportunities? Why can't you enjoy Pokémon games for what they are? Seriously, read any Twitter post, listen to any podcast - everyone just talks what Game Freak should've done, what we could've had, how the games are poop and Black2/White2 were the best. COME ON!

  • AceTrainerBasil
    AceTrainerBasil Member Posts: 18
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    https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/comment/14873#Comment_14873Yes, kind of like Arven. I only picked Tierno over him because the battle that happens right after the Fake Dragon Titan, which itself is like lv45 or lv50 or something, you canonically RACE Arven to the Lighthouse, and than he beats the poop out of you with lv60 team. Impossible! Unfair! Other than that, sure, Arven is a better "rival"

  • Seority
    Seority Member Posts: 9
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    Love me some Gary Oak and Nemona creeped me out hard.