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Which abilities you wished was better?

MidoriBlade Member Posts: 1

IMO, Run Away should also let you switch out to another Pokemon instead of just fleeing. For example, Pachirisu is your current Pokemon in battle. Suddenly, your opponent switches for a Pokemon with Shadow Tag or Arena Trap. The Run Away ability could let you switch to a different Pokemon scott-free.


  • minionw21
    minionw21 Member Posts: 2
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    Slow Start should provide more defence stats while the attack/speed is halved! It would make Regigigas NOT a complete pile of doodoo.

  • RememberMidis
    RememberMidis Member Posts: 13
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    Pickup should allow a Pokémon to pick up an item it lost to Knock Off at the end of the turn.

  • whaha
    whaha Member Posts: 2
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    Anticipation should give away a move that can Knock Out the Pokémon that has it in one hit.

    This way that ability can actually be a bit useful.

  • Lightpikachu123
    Lightpikachu123 Member Posts: 36
    First Anniversary 5 Likes 10 Comments Photogenic

    Illusion: Give moves a 10% chance to miss. Granted, that would probably be too broken.

  • dynamo22
    dynamo22 Member Posts: 6
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    My poor birds need Keen Eye to provide an accuracy buff unless they want to be really generous and let Big Pecks block Sword of Ruin.

  • MagicarpFisher9
    MagicarpFisher9 Member Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
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    Gen 1 Stench. It does NOTHING in battle. At least in later gens it lowers accuracy.