How to have fun on tcg live?

Can't spend my credits on fun decks or I'm bricked out the meta for months.
Current rewards mean you have to be careful what you exchange.
Build a fun deck and to my surprise, I can test them against an AI.
The AI uses a switch on it's active Pokémon - who's got an air balloon and free retreat.
Test AI wouldn't get past the first trainer challenge.
Use the test method to see if I can consistently hit the cards I need to do big damage on level 2.
Remember that the game will reward you 1 coin and 40 xp for a turn 2 win.
>Can you add friends, and test decks against them?
No, Timmy. Free access to cards? You're silly.
What a disaster.
Yeah indeed, the AI is pretty terrible. If at least we could test the deck on friends that would be nice. Battles against friends doesn't reward anything so it shouldn't matter if we use cards we don't own.
Another solution would simply to make the AI a bit more realistic
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I think being able to borrow a friend's deck would be fine business-wise since it's too inconvenient to be able to play consistently and is nothing like owning the cards yourself.
But I disagree that you should nessesarily be able to build many decks free-to-play. I mean, it's a free game. They want you to build a collection irl and use the codes to build your digital collection. I think that's really cool.