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v1.1.1 Issue Discovered: Illegal Cards in Standard Play

TPCi_SomeDucks Administrator Posts: 2 admin
Third Anniversary 5 Agrees

We're aware of an issue in which players are able to use decks including cards that are not Standard legal in Standard format queues. We're currently investigating the issue and exploring a fix. We appreciate your patience.



  • OU7C4ST
    OU7C4ST Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
    10 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Agrees Photogenic

    Thanks for the update.

  • fafnitchaos
    fafnitchaos Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    Well just play expanded till the fix comes. It's better than standard anyways. Nobody plays the beta thus having a month of expanded as main isn't really a bad idea.

  • ShiningLancer
    ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary 100 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    edited July 2022 #5


    Let me summarize the bug if you are having trouble with the forum.

    Your deck needs to be

    • 7 standard legal cards
    • 53 non-implemented cards

    Non-implemented cards include

    • All BW-era cards without later reprints
    • XY-era cards that are banned from expanded

    The auto-win occurs because you draw all seven legal cards in your opening hand and cannot put out prize cards. Then the game ends in a victory because you have zero prizes remaining.

    If two auto-win decks face off it results in an infinite sudden death loop.

  • GadgetBadger
    GadgetBadger Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
    Name Dropper 5 Likes First Anniversary 10 Comments

    i know the setup, I just can’t type it out so that it accepts my comment. @TPCi_CursedSoup @TPCi_CursedSoup @TPCi_CursedSoup

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees First Anniversary 100 Comments 5 LOLs

    I tried this and can confirm that you win instantly after set-up concludes.

    You draw your opening hand - all 7 legal cards in your deck - but you don't place any prize cards since there are no legal or coded cards left in your deck.

    As soon as set-up concludes you win since you have no prize cards left.

    There didn't seem to be many people doing this on ladder but it's being discussed online so is bound to spread rapidly.

  • keithtalent
    keithtalent Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    It would be really nice if there were some consequences for people knowingly cheating in the game. There would be if it were IRL play. Just because an exploit exists doesn’t make it ok to use it. The game is currently unplayable, so let’s hope it’s fixed soon.

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    It's a beta - I don't think that blame for bugs should be placed on the players.

    There was clearly a quick and untested fix applied to try to make POGO cards legal in Standard which simply broke the entire ladder. That's on the developers and the consequences should not be shifted to the players.

  • Alphachan
    Alphachan Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    So.... Are people going to get punished for using the exploit? I instantly lost about 5 games so far because of this. It was rather frustrating auto losing two games in a row in ranked. It's pretty obvious the players using this are either trying to cheat their way to the top, or just griefing. It's not like this can happen on accident, the intent is clearly there. We don't need toxic behavior like this in the community.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Alphachan I highly doubt that they have a way of checking that, unfortunately. This is why we need a reporting system...