Your Rock Type Gym and Pokemon (redo)

When this one was made the first time it was during pokemon day so this one probably was missed by most people. So here's a remake of this one.
If you were an Rock type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be.
My team would consist of Tyrantrum or Aurorus (Depending on the time of day), Cradily or Armaldo (Also depending on the time of day), Garganacl, Lycanroc Midnight, Gigalith, and Aggron. I would be a museum curator and Archeologist. The challange would be to find fossils in a dig site for each of the fossil pokemon within 5 minutes.
This is the Ninth installment in this series. The previous types that we have done include Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, and Bug. Make sure to go back and comment on those if you missed them!