Pokémon for Gameboy App?

Hope they will add pokemon games for Gameboy app and advanced with pokemon home transfer.
It would be nice, especially for people who don't already own them. I won't hold my breath, though.
I suspect they will be used to push the next console or will be released as separate e-shop purchases.
If they do end up on NSO, I doubt they will have Home integration. That would be extra work.
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Very so true I would love play them in the switch instead my 3ds xl.
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Nintendo say their no new console for long while they did good adding more Gameboy app and advance like golden sun.
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Also I like to see Pokémon silver gold and crystal in switch.
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Or they should make Pokémon collection for Nintendo Switch.
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Nope I told you Nintendo say no new system be long while.
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its probably march 2025 you really think they will leave us in a multi year drought that not good for buisness strategy and would you really want to see nintendo to go under they would have to release their new system soon so that tragic foretelling never happens not even in a millenia